Custom OBV OscillatorThis is a modified OBV indicator that creates an oscillator by smoothing the difference between the value of the OBV and a short moving average of the OBV. SMAs of the oscillator are also provided to study crosses and convergence/divergence.
The indicator should mostly be used on common stock, but works on futures contracts with some tuning and a shorter timeframe.
Bull market support comparisonPlots the % difference between price and bull market support band. Since BMSB is two lines, they're simple averaged together. Top 40 tokens according to Coingecko ( minus stable coins) are chosen for the default display. On display all average certain crypto are taken out for limited price history. Calculation of BMSB applied in this indicator follows:
f(x) =>
sec =, 'W', close)
Screener RSI,MACD,MACROSS,Stochastic,200MA, BY MK TRADERThis script lets you pick 20 symbols to check for ma crosses. The way it works is it scans all 20 of your symbols for moving average crosses and then it sends an both a regular alert and a visual alert inside of the indicator. I found that ma cross strategies are very popular right now so I thought it would be nice to have one indicator instead of 20 discord servers. The features include: 20 custom symbols, alerts, custom colors, ma select, and custom time frames. If you want to use the custom time frame option, use the lowest time frame possible. That way you wont have gaps.
I_MACD#I_MACD #Version_1_0_3
Hello Traders from all over the world! Today I would like to share a cool customizing tool our team recently has made. If you have ever used MACD or any other seemingly indicators that visualize the degree of converging/diverging of any two values, you are very lucky today. This one should be one of the most optimal tools for you guys that enables you to customize your own CD indicator perfectly fitted for your trading styles. Moreover, you can even set up optimized parameters for each different trading commodities or products.
There is no doubt that MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) is one of the most popular indicators currently in trading world along with RSI and Stochastic. Google and old textbooks say that MACD is a technical indicator that helps you identify market trends and potential trend reversal point. Well, which existing indicators doesn’t? The problem is, how well the indicator reflects the market trends with least amount of lagging. We want to use an indicator that can provide best-fitted trend data as early as possible.
Anyway, this indicator is made of 3 different components: MACD line, a signal line, and an oscillator, which is usually plotted with histogram. MACD line is basically the level of difference between two EMAs, 12 and 26 (default settings). In other words, MACD Line visualizes the amount of gap between 12 and 26 EMA.
- When bullish, 12 EMA would be above 26 EMA and as the trend becomes more bullish, they will diverge more and MACD line would be positive (above the base line).
- When bearish, 12 EMA would be below 26 EMA and as the trend becomes more bearish, they will diverge more and MACD line would be negative (below the base line).
MACD Line = (Faster, sensitive) EMA – (Slower, dull) EMA = 12 EMA – 26 EMA
Then you add another EMA on the MACD line itself which then becomes a signal line. The default length of the signal line is 9. In other words, Signal line is a 9 EMA of the difference level between 26 and 12 EMA. Now the difference between Signal line and MACD line are called oscillator usually plotted with histograms.
- When MACD line is above the Signal Line, histogram would face upward (Positive Side)
- When MACD line is below the Signal Line, histogram would face downward (Negative Side)
Signal Line = 9 EMA of MACD Line
Two meaningful signals should be monitored to effectively spot the trend reversal point.
1. Pay attention to the crossover made by the two lines. Higher the golden-cross and the lower the death-cross is located, more weights added on the possibility of trend reverse. I personally ignore most of the crossovers signaled near the base line.
2. Search for the histogram peak outs. When two lines start to converge (heading towards each other), histogram will leave a significant peak and approach towards baseline meaning that the oscillator started to lose its strength.
Remember, both the signals (lines’ crossovers and histogram peak outs) are more reliable and meaningful as they are located farther away from the baseline.
As mentioned, the default parameters for MACD are 12, 26, and 9. The first two numbers are the lengths of prices’ moving averages that are used to compute MACD line. 9 is length of signal line. Furthermore, the types of moving averages and signal line used in this setting provided by Tradingview are EMAs (Exponential moving averages). Therefore, the proper way to express the default setting of MACD would be 12, 26, 9, EMA, EMA.
I have a question for you MACD users. How is MACD doing lately? Are you fully satisfied with the performance? Some might say yes, but most wouldn’t. Well, I personally believe that the default parameters are bit outdated. It surely was a powerful weapon 50 years ago when MACD was just created by Gerald Appel and only few knew how to use it. Things are different now. We have witnessed so many cases where everyone starts to all use the same types and parameters of indicators, techniques, and theories which eventually drops accuracy and preciseness. Come on, we are not living in fairy tales, instead in an extremely competitive world called capitalism where only a few survives.
As we are already aware, this market keeps changing over time. Encountering various patterns, price actions, wave structures, and trend flows that are unfamiliar and untraditional, traders easily get frustrated. Market is not like it used to be in the old days where trading was much easier. What worked yesterday doesn’t anymore work today and not even tomorrow. Such evidences we see every day are broadening channel, stoploss hunting, Bart Simpson, whipsaw, and bull/bear trap were once considered as rare phenomenon.
I_MACD might be useful tool for you to back/forward test to find the optimized types and parameters of the CD indicator just fitted for your unique trading styles and preferences. There are infinite number of combinations of types and parameters within this indicator you can try. For example, not only the lengths of the moving averages, but different types of technical indicators to compute the CD lines can also be tested. Try all the possible combinations of parameters and if you find a good one, please share it with us on the comment section below! I will also let you guys know if I do. In fact, the default settings, ohlc4, 60, 140, 30 EMA, EMA, are one of many that I have found useful.
Furthermore, for your convenience when testing, we added a few side features as listed below. You can turn these on and off according to your preferences and circumstances.
1. Crossovers of MACD and Signal line: Death-crosses above the baseline and golden-crosses below the baseline will be spotted with a vertical line.
2. Divergence Sensitivity: This feature finds out both the regular and hidden divergences of MACD line. Higher sensitivity searches for the divergences within the waves of the larger degree and vice versa for the lower sensitivity.
3. Histogram Peak out: Triangle signals will appear when oscillator peak outs are possibility assumed in advance. Similarly, as the first feature positive peak outs are searched only when MACD line is positive and vice versa for the negative peak outs.
We all know there is no ‘Perfect’ method in this industry other than becoming Elon Musk, but there surely are ‘Better’ methods. Contemporary traders should track and reflect trends of the latest market on developing their methods. In order to process that task, testing and experimenting new and different techniques through insightful ways is required. I_MACD might be the ‘Perfect’ tool for you to be a ‘Better’ trader. Thanks for reading.
#아이맥디 #I_MACD #Version_1_0_3
안녕하세요. 트레이더 여러분. 토미입니다.
오늘은 MACD와 같은 CD(Convergence Divergence)류의 보조지표를 써 보신 분들이 정말 좋아하실 만한 지표 툴 하나를 소개 드리겠습니다. 이름하여 I_MACD! 아무나 자유롭게 사용하실 수 있습니다. 여러분의 트레이딩 성향, 종목 특성, 타임 프레임, 현대 시장 상황, 그리고 요즘 여러분이 생각하는 차트 흐름에 딱 맞는 지표를 만들고 사용해보세요.
MACD는 딱 두가지 신호만 주목하시면 됩니다. 첫번째 신호는 MACD선과 Signal선, 이 두 곡선이 서로 크로스 할 때, 즉 오실레이터가 양에서 음으로 혹은 음에서 양으로 변환되는 시점입니다. 두번째 신호는 오실레이터가 고/저점(Peak out)을 찍고 변곡이 시작되는 시점입니다. 이 외에 제가 전 다이버전스 강의에서 언급 드렸듯 두 곡선과 히스토그램의 다이버전스 역시 참고해볼 수 있습니다.
흔히 쓰이는 MACD의 기본(디폴트) 설정 값은 12, 26, 9이며 현재 트레이딩뷰에서 제공하는 MACD의 두 이평선, 즉 MACD선을 도출할 때 사용되는 주가의 12와 26 이평선의 종류는 EMA(Exponential Moving Average)입니다. 또한 저 설정 값에서 9는 Signal선의 길이를 의미하며 본 이평선 종류 역시 EMA입니다.
MACD는 제럴드 아펠이라는 아저씨가 1970년대에 개발한 지표입니다. 하지만 여러분들도 알다시피 현대 금융 시장은 50년 전과 많이 다릅니다. 세상은 점점 더 빠르고 예측불가하게 변하고 있으며 금융 시장도 예외는 아닙니다. 기술적분석 관점으로도 이전에는 흔히 나오지 않았던 패턴, 경향성, 규칙, 그리고 흐름들이 지금은 비일비재하게 나오고 있습니다. 이쪽 시장은 정해진 답안지가 없으며 시시각각 변하는 시장에 맞게 우리가 참고하는 기법과 전략들을 항상 업데이트해줄 필요가 있습니다.
MACD 역시 모든 사람들이 사용하는 12, 26, 9, EMA, EMA 보다 더 나은 설정 값이 분명 존재할 겁니다. 그래서 저희 팀은 여러분들이 CD지표의 파라미터 값과 곡선 산출법을 변경하여 더 요즘 시장에 그리고 여러분 트레이딩 성향에 최적화된 지표로 만들어 사용할 수 있는 툴을 만들어봤습니다. 두 곡선과 Signal 선의 길이는 물론이고 타 이평선들을 포함 RSI, OBV, CCI, MFI 등과 같은 다른 종류의 지표로도 CD선을 구할 수 있게끔 해 놨습니다.
예를 들어 조금 더 장기적인 추세를 반영하는 MACD를 만들고 싶다면 12, 26이 아니라 50, 100의 길이를 사용해볼 수도 있고 이평선의 민감도를 조절하고 싶다면 EMA가 아닌 HMA나 RMA 같은 종류로 설정해볼 수도 있습니다. 또한 이평선이 아니라 아예 다른 지표들을 가지고 MACD화(정확히 말하면 CD화죠) 시켜볼 수도 있습니다. 저도 이것저것 시도 중인데 꽤 흥미로운 셋팅 값들이 보이네요. 참고로 디폴트로 설정해 놓은 시고저종/4, 60, 140, 30, EMA, EMA 조합도 제가 현재 테스트하고 있는 나쁘지 않은 값입니다. 여러분들도 괜찮은 설정 값들을 찾으면 혼자만 쓰지 마시고 댓글에 공유 좀 부탁드립니다~
또한 주요 시그널들을 쉽게 잡아낼 수 있게 아래와 같이 몇 가지 자동 기능들을 추가했습니다. 여러분들의 편의와 상황에 따라 사용하셔도 되고 거슬리면 끄셔도 됩니다.
1. MACD선과 Signal선의 크로스: 기준선 위에선 데드크로스, 아래에선 골든크로스를 표시해줍니다.
2. 다이버전스 민감도: MACD선의 다이버전스 출현 여부를 알려줍니다. 다이버전스 민감도를 내릴수록 더 작은 (단기) 단위 파동들의, 올릴수록 더 큰 (장기) 단위의 파동들의 다이버전스를 잡습니다.
3. 히스토그램 피크 아웃: MACD선이 기준선 위에 있을 때는 양, 아래에 있을 때는 음 히스토그램의 변곡점으로 의심되는 곳을 표기해줍니다.
제가 매번 강조 드리지만 지표는 보조로만 참고하는 도구이며 절대적으로 다 맞는 지표, 이론, 그리고 방법론은 세상에 존재하지 않습니다. 시장 상황에 따라 적절히 활용하고 본인이 사용하는 기술적분석 기법들 조합의 일부로 참고만 하시는 게 좋습니다.
Cyatophilum Universal Oscillator TraderAn indicator to backtest and create an infinite number of strategies using any external indicator.
The indicator allows you to create your oscillator strategy and get backtest results from the Strategy Tester.
You can also create alerts for each of the strategy events.
Choose a strategy direction long or short that you want to create.
Always use regular candle type.
Configure your entry condition . To use any other indicator as source, it needs to be added to the chart first.
If you have the basic (free) TradingView plan, you can only have 1 indicator on your chart, and cannot use this external source feature. For this case, the indicator has a list of built-in oscillator (that can be increased upon request).
Then choose your condition: Cross over, Greater than, Pullback, Turning up, etc.
You now have your entry and should already see trades on the chart!
Next you can fine tune your entry condition or move to the risk management and filters.
Configure your stop loss
Use the stop loss feature to exit a trade at a certain loss.
You can also create a trailing stop using price % movement or ATR.
Configure your profit target
Use the Take Profit feature to set a target in percentage of price. You can also make it trail.
Configure your safety orders
This indicator has a safety orders feature to reduce the risk of your trade. See more below.
Check your backtest parameters
Make sure that the initial capital and order size make sense. Since it is a pyramiding strategy with safety orders, the sum of all deals should not be bigger than the initial capital.
If you use % equity as order size, please note that it will create compounding.
Check the fees, by default they are set to 0.1%.
I also recommend to set a slippage that corresponds to your exchange's spread.
• Strategy direction
Configure to go long or short.
• Entry Conditions
- External Oscillator source
- Built-in Oscillator (for basic plans)
- Base Condition for entry (Less/Greater than, Crossing Up/Down, Pullback Bull/Bear, Turning Up/Down, etc. More can be added later on)
- Additional Momentum Condition: Oscillator should be rising/falling for x number of bars
- Addition Threshold Condition: Oscillator should be Greater/Lowser than x
• Trend Filter
Filter Trades using 1 or 2 moving averages (MTF), based on Slop Change or Price Cross. Trend line is green = only longs, red = only shorts.
• Entry Filters
- Volume filter to remove low volume entries
- Overbought/Oversold filters
- Flat market Filter
• Stop Loss and Take Profit
Configure your stop loss and take profit for long and short trades.
You can also make a trailing take profit and trailing stop.
• DCA (Safety orders)
Create up to 100 safety orders with configurable options for step and volume scaling, take profit from total volume, base and safety order size.
• Backtest Settings
Choose a backtest period, longs or shorts, wether to use limit orders or not.
A Backtest Results panel with additional information from the strategy tester.
A lightweight mode to remove background plots and make the indicator load faster.
The indicator is using the alert() calls: it only uses 1 alert slot to send order messages for each event (Long/Short entry, stop loss, take profit, safety order, exit timer). This means basic-free TV plans can create 1 complete strategy.
To set your alert messages, open the indicator settings and scroll to the bottom of the "inputs" tab.
Create your alert after you set the messages in the indicator settings, and make sure "Any alert() function call" is set in the alert option.
Use placeholders to automatically replace values in your alert messages like price, target profit, order size etc. (see the indicator inputs).
The backtest settings can be seen in the 'Properties' tab of the backtest report below.
Please read the author instructions below for access.
Divergence Strength OscillatorDetects divergence before it has formed a valid divergent pivot, across multiple indicators. After publishing my Strength of Divergence Across Multiple Indicators script, it seemed there were a lot of people who wanted to see the divergence signals before the divergent pivots were actually confirmed. Everyone complains about indicators repainting, yet in the next breath they complain about not wanting to wait for a signal to be confirmed before it appears on their chart! No matter how many times you ask, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
While this isn't exactly cake, it's as close as you're gonna get. This oscillator will calculate the strength of divergence as it forms on any bar that could potentially be a pivot point (e.g. for a pivot low, the preceding bars must be higher than it) and track the net (bullish - bearish) value.
For example:
PLEASE NOTE that this is not intended to be a "Buy" or "Sell" signal, and it would be foolish to use it as such. The purpose of this script is to show you potential divergences as early as possible, so that you have more time to plan and evaluate confluent signals, etc.
The Divergence Strength Calculation:
The total divergence strength value is the sum of the divergence strengths of all indicators for which divergence was detected at a given bar. Each indicator's individual divergence strength is comprised of two basic components: (1) |ΔPrice| - the magnitude of the change in price over the divergence period (pivot-to-pivot), and (2) |ΔIndicator| - the magnitude of the change in indicator value over the divergence period.
Because different indicators' scales and volatility can vary greatly, the Δ values are expressed in terms of standard deviation to ensure that the values are meaningful and equitable across all indicators and assets/instruments/currency pairs, etc:
|ΔIndicator| = |indicator_value_1 - indicator_value_2| / 2 * StDev(indicator_series,100)
Based on work for my Strength of Divergence Across Multiple Indicators script:
Extended Recursive Bands StrategyThe original indicator was created by alexgrover .
All credit goes to alexgrover for creating the indicator that this strategy uses.
This strategy was posted because there were multiple requests for it, and no strategy based on this indicator exists yet.
The Recursive Bands Indicator, an indicator specially created to be extremely efficient, I think you already know that calculation time is extra important in algorithmic trading, and this is the principal motivation for the creation of the proposed indicator. Originally described in Alex's paper "Pierrefeu, Alex (2019): Recursive Bands - A New Indicator For Technical Analysis", the indicator framework has been widely used in his previous uploaded indicators, however it would have been a shame to not upload it, however user experience being a major concern for me, I decided to add extra options, which explain the term "extended".
The Indicator
The indicator displays one upper and one lower band, every common usages applied to bands indicators such as support/resistance , breakout, trailing stop, etc, can also be applied to this one. Length controls how reactive the bands are, higher values will make the bands cross the price less often.
In order to provide more flexibility for the user alexgrover added the option to use various methods for the calculation of the indicator, therefore the indicator can use the average true range , standard deviation, average high-low range, and one totally exclusive method specially designed for this indicator.
Added logic:
We have implemented a logic that checks whether the bands have been following in the same direction for a set amount of bars. This logic must be true before it can enter trades. This is completely new code that was written by us entirely, and it makes a huge difference on strategy performance.
Strategy Long conditions:
1 — Price low is below the the lower band.
2 — The lower band keeps increasing in value until the 'lookback' setting amount of bars is reached.
Strategy Short conditions:
1 — Price high is above the upper band.
2 — The upper band keeps decreasing in value until the 'lookback' setting amount of bars is reached.
Strategy Properties:
We have set a default commission of 0.06% because these are Bybit's fees. The strategy uses an order size of 10% of equity, since drawdown is very low like this. We also use a 10 tick slippage to keep results realistic and account for this. All other settings were left as default apart from initial capital, just to decrease the size of the numbers.
[blackcat] L3 Low TF ScalperLevel 3
Low time scapling is a challenge, I am always working on developping better scalper for low timeframe (TF)
Lower time frame trading is known as scalping. It is often considered as a risky strategy as you have a small margin to make a mistake. In fact, you have to get the best trading accounts for the scalp. Choosing a faulty account and trying to earn money with the low-end tools will result in big losses.
This is a simple but powerful scalper which may need you to set up reference look back period e.g. "3D" == 3 days, or "5D" == 5 days,high of high and low of low as basic resistance and support levels. Because if you set up proper look back parameter as a string of resolution , it is simple but valid levels for your to judge whether price is in oversold or overbought status.
I use green labels 'B' to indicate oversold buy based on look back period set and red labels "S" inidcating overbought sell based on look back period parameter as well.
Free but closed source.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
Know Sure Thing with AlertsIts the same basic Know Sure Thing Indicator, just added alerts and labels for crossovers in it.
Hope you all like it.
Outliers Detector with N-Sigma Confidence Intervals (TG fork)Display outliers in either value change, volume or volume change that significantly deviate from the past.
This uses the standard deviation calculation and the n-sigmas statistical rule of significance, with 2-sigma (a value of 2) signifying that the observed value is stronger than 95% of past values, and 3-sigma 98.5% of past values, and so on for higher sigma values.
Outliers in price action or in volume can indicate a strong support for the move, and hence potentially more moves in the same direction in the future. Inversely, an insignificant move is less likely to be supported. And of course the stronger, the more support.
This indicator also doubles as a standard volume indicator if volume is selected as the source, but with the option of highlighting outliers.
Bars below significance can be uncolored (gray) to unclutter the visuals.
Differently to almost all other similar indicators, the background highlighting is dynamical, so that all values will be highlighted differently, not just 2-sigma or 3-sigma, but also 4-sigma, 5-sigma, etc, with a different value of transparency.
The dynamical transparency value can be calculated in two ways: either statically proportionally to the n-sigma but capped at 10-sigma, or either as a ratio relative to the highest observed sigma value over the defined lookback period (default: 300).
If you like this indicator, which is an extension of previously published indicators, please give some love to the original authors:
* tvjvzl :
* vnhilton :
This extension, authored by Tartigradia, extends tvjvzl's indi, implements vnhilton's idea of highlighting the background, and go further by adding dynamical background highlighting for any value of sigma, add support for volume and volume change (VolumeDiff) as inputs, add option to uncolor insignificant bars, allow plotting in both directions and more.
MA MomentumThis simple script takes two ma's sums them and takes the the difference between the current and previous data points. This gives a lovely smoothed momentum indicator. The way it works is if its green its good and if its red its bad. In other words, I take the smooth signal as a filter for the momentum. You can also spot divergences between the indicator and the price to make decisions. Some features include extra smoothing and adjustable ma's. I hope you find this script useful!
Thank you.
StockCloud_Chopiness This indicator describes the state of the market. If the region is under green shades, you could take trade based on your other criterias and if its red , the market is chopping and it is not advisable to take the trade. This works for BANKNIFTY spot chart and ideally on a 5 min Time frame. Do not use this alone but use it best with Price Action. Also ignonre this indicator values on sudden spike candles, wait for the PA and indicator behaviour to take the trade.
Green signifies the possibility of being in a trend state and doesnt mean a long condition and red in a consolidation / trap state and doesnt mean a short condition.
True Range Outlier Detector (TROD)True Range Outlier Detector (TROD) shows you weather or not a candle is larger than normal. This works by taking the normalized true range and if the candle exceeds a score of 0.5 or -0.5 it triggers the outlier detection. This is great for building strategies if you want to refrain from buying larger than normal up or down ticks. The only feature is the ability to change the lookback period of the normalization. I hope you find this as useful as I do!
Smooth Stochastic and RSI ComboA lot of people run both stochastic and rsi on one chart so I figured I would make something that combines the two. This script takes both the rsi and the stochastic, smooths them both and then plots them both on top of each other. I have filled it to make an error range and I colored it with the direction of its mean. I hope this frees up some room on your screen! Enjoy!
ps this is not stochastic rsi, its both stochastic and rsi.
Pair Prowler [CR]Pair Prowler by Cryptorhythms
Members needed a new scalping indicator, so of course I listened and delivered. Pair prowler is not crypto specific and can be applied to a variety of timeframes, markets, and tickers. Its meant to be a general purpose scalping aid providing actionable signals that help you time the market.
This indicator relies upon various methods relataed to probabilities, statistics and data science to predict optimal times to buy or sell any given time series data. The goal was to create a tool that isolated short form trades, making it easier to follow a noisy market. With built in safety features to help trades make smart decision real time when it matters. The focus is making high hit rate uncorrelated returns to your base market.
There are still a large list of features to implement on the indicator. Most of the parameters will be made dynamic needed no changing or interaction from the user. This will also help prevent potential overfits from over-enthusiastic optimization =)
This indicator is reserved for our members only to prevent decay as long as possible. You can view my signature at the bottom of this post for more information on membership. Membership seats are also capped!
Dont worry, there are 2 new free public scripts coming as well in the near future!
Macro Score - TSI-BasedA "macro score", as defined here, is created by giving various weights to different signals and adding them together to get one smooth score. Positive or negative values are assigned to each of the signals depending on if the statement is true or false (e.g. DPO > 0: +1, DPO < 0: -1). This manner of strategy allows for a subset of the available signals to be present at one time as opposed to every technical signal having to be active in order for a long/short signal to trigger.
This strategy has the signals and weights pre-determined in the code. Heaviest weights have been given to various TSI (True Strength Index) signals, including a crossover/crossunder of TSI signal and TSI value, a threshold for the TSI Signal (above or below 0), and a crossover/crossunder of the CMO (Chande Momentum Oscillator) and the TSI signal line. Additionally, there are thresholds for DPO (Detrended Price Oscillator, above or below 0), Jurik Volatility Bands (above or below 0), and Stoch RSI (above or below 50). These three signals hold a lighter weight than the three TSI signals.
The macro score itself is printed in an underlay as a white line that goes between -10 and 10 for this strategy. In addition to the macro score line, a red momentum line (sourced by the macro score itself) has been included. A crossover/crossunder of the macro score and the macro momentum line is included into the long/short signal syntax in addition to a threshold for the macro score (-6/6).
Take profit, stop loss, and trailing percentages are also included, found at the bottom of the Input tab under “TT and TTP” as well as “Stop Loss”. Make sure to understand the TP/SL ratio that you desire before use, as the desired hit rate/profitability percentage will be affected accordingly. This strategy does NOT guarantee future returns. Apply caution in trading regardless of discretionary or algorithmic. Understand the concepts of risk/reward and the intricacies of each strategy choice before utilizing them in your personal trading.
Profitview Settings:
If you wish to utilize Profitview’s automation system, find the included “Profitview Settings” under the Input tab of the strategy settings menu. If not, skip this section entirely as it can be left blank. Options will be “OPEN LONG TITLE”, “OPEN SHORT TITLE”, “CLOSE LONG TITLE”, and “CLOSE SHORT TITLE”. If you wished to trade SOL, for example, you would put “SOL LONG”, “SOL SHORT”, “SOL CLOSE LONG”, and “SOL CLOSE SHORT” in these areas. Within your Profitview extension, ensure that your Alerts all match these titles. To set an alert for use with Profitview, go to the “Alerts” tab in TradingView, then create an alert. Make sure that your desired asset and timeframe are currently displayed on your screen when creating the alert. Under the “Condition” option of the alert, select the strategy, then select the expiration time. If using TradingView Premium, this can be open-ended. Otherwise, select your desired expiration time and date. This can be updated whenever desired to ensure the strategy does not expire. Under “Alert actions”, nothing necessarily needs to be selected unless so desired. Leave the “Alert name” option empty. For the “Message”, delete the generated message and replace it with {{strategy.order.alert_message}} and nothing else.
Adulari OscillatorThis indicator is included with Adulari Professional.
Adulari Oscillator is a trading tool that can be used on any asset, and any given timeframe. It is special because it self-optimizes, meaning no configuration is required before usage.
How do I use it?
Never use this indicator as standalone trading signal, it is meant to be used as confirmation.
Look for strong trends crossing on the middle line.
Combine the trend strength indications with the signals. For example: if a bullish signal was printed after a strong downtrend this may indicate a strong reversal.
The accuracy shown in the indicator is merely a tool. Past results do not indicate future results. Historical data will differ from future data.
Self-optimizing, no configuration required.
Purple dots for bullish trend reversals, gray crosses for bearish trend reversals.
Gradient histogram that shows the strength of a bullish or bearish trend with a stronger color.
White line that indicates clear bottoms or tops.
Automatically determined top and bottom borders that may show trend reversals.
Dashboard that shows the accuracy of the signals, total amount of signals, total amount won, and total amount lost.
Alert conditions that allow you to set alerts for bullish or bearish signals.
How does it work?
The oscillator line is calculated using our custom version of the very well-known and loved stochastic. The bullish signals are given when the oscillator value falls below the oversold line, and the bearish signals when the oscillator value exceeds the overbought line. These oversold and overbought lines are determined by our algorithm. The accuracy shown in the dashboard is calculated with the following methods: the highest or lowest price within the lookback range divided by the price at the moment of a signal multiplied by the minimum percentage change. When this condition is true it means a signal was valid and thus it will be added to the total wins, when the condition is false it will be added to the total losses. Accuracy is then determined by dividing the total wins by total signals. A win is when the minimum percentage move in the settings occurred within x amount of bars (settings) after a signal. When these conditions are not met, it will be considered a loss. Keep in mind that this is not a trading strategy, and these wins/losses do not represent actual trades. The accuracy also does not represent a winrate or anything of a sort while using the indicator.
This script is unique because it does a few things. It self-optimizes based on historical data, which I was not able to find in this specific stochastic like oscillator format. And it will show you the average accuracy of the signals based on all the signals given on the chart, which I was not able to find in this same exact format either.
Wave Fusion By CryptoScriptsThe Wave Fusion indicator is finally here! This indicator is a combination of the Wave Strength Oscillator and RSVP Extractor. It used a combination of momentum waves, volume, price, RSI, and statistical analysis to help nail down whenever the current price is overextended and due for a reversal. I'm currently using the 1D timeframe for BTC but feel free to experiment on different timeframes to see what works best for you. In the description below, I'll go over each signal, how it's derived, and how to use them!
Oversold (Green shaded area) - The oversold indication appears whenever all oscillators are oversold and is usually a good indicator that a reversal to the upside is around the corner (at least for a short period). Be advised these are the weakest of the three signals so I recommend using this signal with other indicators (such as my MFI Pro).
Overbought (Red shaded area) - The overbought indication appears whenever all oscillators are overbought and is usually a good indicator that a reversal to the downside is around the corner (at least for a short period). Be advised these are the weakest of the three signals so I recommend using this signal with other indicators (such as my MFI Pro).
Green Diamond - The green diamonds indicate whenever one or more oscillators are oversold AND one or more oscillators are outside of the bollinger bands, which is great for catching reversals to the upside. These may come two or three at a time so it may be best to wait until they have all printed before entering.
Red Diamond - The red diamonds indicate whenever one or more oscillators are overbought AND one or more oscillators are outside of the bollinger bands which is great for catching reversals to the downside (as seen in the chart). These may come two or three at a time so it may be best to wait until they have all printed before entering.
Rocket - The rocket symbol occurs whenever ALL oscillators are oversold and one or more oscillators are outside of the bollinger bands . This is great for catching reversals to the upside but may come two or three at a time so it may be best to wait until they have all printed before entering.
Red Alarm - The red alarm symbol occurs whenever ALL oscillators are overbought and one or more oscillators are outside of the bollinger bands . This is great for catching reversals to the downside but may come two or three at a time so it may be best to wait until they have all printed before entering.
Moon - The Moon symbol occurs whenever ALL oscillators are oversold and ALL oscillators are outside of the bollinger bands . This is great for catching reversals to the upside but may come two or three at a time so it may be best to wait until they have all printed before entering.
Blood Moon - The red alarm symbol occurs whenever ALL oscillators are overbought and ALL oscillators are outside of the bollinger bands . This is great for catching reversals to the downside but may come two or three at a time so it may be best to wait until they have all printed before entering.
Strongest to Weakest Buy Signals - Moon --> Rocket --> Green Diamond --> Green Shaded Area
Strongest to Weakest Sell Signals - Blood Moon --> Red Alarm --> Red Diamond --> Red Shaded Area
Input Options
Show Histogram - I also included a Histogram in the indicator to help gauge the level of buys/sell strength but kept it hidden for the default levels (i.e a green diamond with a red histogram bar is usually a good sign a reversal is about to happen to the upside whereas a green diamond with a green histogram bar may indicate a false reversal and there's still more room to the downside until a red bar appears. Always backtest this!)
Show Overbought/Oversold Levels - This is if you want to ignore all of the green/red shaded areas and only focus on the diamonds and rocket/alarm signals
Wave Overbought/Oversold Levels - Free free to change to value of the overbought/oversold levels to change where the green/red shades areas print
Momentum Overbought/Oversold Levels - Free free to change to value of the overbought/oversold levels to change where the green/red shades areas print
Histogram Length - This will not change anything with the signals but I included it so you can change the visuals if it helps you
Momentum Length - This will change where the signals plot
Momentum Signal - This only changes the yellow signal line and nothing else. It's not incorporated into any equation
Average Length - This will change where the signals plot
I've set alerts on this indicator for each icon (Oversold, Overbought, Green Diamond, Red Diamond, Rocket, Red Alarm, Moon , Blood Moon). I HIGHLY recommend setting the alerts for Candle Close so that you can be sure the signal is confirmed.
You may notice that the indicator can give multiple signals back-to-back or be overbought/oversold for multiple candles. When this happens, it's best to look at other indicators such as the MFI Pro, MACD, etc to nail the best entry and have confluence with your decision. With that said, having multiple signals back-to-back can also be an indication that the move is close to happening. This indicator works with crypto and stocks as well.
If you have any questions or would like to purchase this indicator, please comment below or PM me. I also made a video tutorial for the indicator on my Youtube channel (link is next to my profile pic)
Be advised past performance is not indicative of future returns. Backtest EVERY timeframe and NEVER blindly take signals! Also, never invest more than you can afford to lose.
Enjoy :)
Adaptive Fisherized KSTIntroduction
Heyo guys, here is a new adaptive fisherized indicator of me.
I applied Inverse Fisher Transform, Ehlers dominant cycle analysis,
smoothing and divergence analysis on the Know Sure Thing (KST) indicator.
Moreover, the indicator doesn't repaint.
I didn't backtest the indicator, but I recommend the 5–15 min timeframe.
It can be also used on other timeframs, but I have no experience with that.
The indicator has no special filter system, so you need to find an own combo in order to build a trading system.
A trend filter like KAMA or my Adaptive Fisherized Trend Intensity Index could fit well.
If you find a good combo, let me know it in the comments pls.
Zero Line
KST crossover 0 => Enter Long
KST crossunder 0 => Enter Short
KST crossover KST MA => Enter Long
KST crossunder KST MA => Enter Short
Cross Filtered
KST crossover KST MA and KST above 0 => Enter Long
KST crossunder KST MA and KST under 0 => Enter Short
KST crossunder 0 => Exit Long
KST crossover 0 => Exit Short
More to read: KST Explanation
Enjoy and let me know your opinion!
Credits to
- @tista
- @blackcat1402
- @DasanC
- @cheatcountry
Oscillating Length Moving Averages***CREDIT TO TradingView's TA Library*** (), Attempted to use "import TradingView/ta/4" to import the library, but for whatever reason
some of the functions failed to work, while others had no issue, so I opted to just copy paste what I wanted to use.
This moving average uses an oscillator to influence the length used during calculation. Extremely customizable/tunable with ability to change Max and Min length values, length multiplier, length multiple,4 different settings ,( Decline , <>Peak, >Decline , <>Peak, ><Trough
step6:Select Final Filtering method
Divergence and Pivot - Detector For Any IndicatorI present to you an indicator capable of determining the divergence and convergence points for any indicator you choose. It will also determine Pivot points.
All you need to do is add the indicator to your favorites and call it. Next, you need a second indicator for which you want to find divergences or pivots. Next you need choise 'Oscillator Source' section in my indicator, after that you need to choose the name of the indicator for which you want to find divergences . - Done!
Thanks to the developers of TradingView for posting the source code of the "Divergence Indicator" indicator.
Screener _-_ FVVO by SavosRUIt is my first attempt to make SCREENER
Screener by 20 coins to detect Filter of Volatility Oscilator & Volume Threshold
Now - without ALERTS!
But it will be added ASAP...
Это первая моя попытка сделать СКРИНЕР.
Проверяет наличие сигнала всплеска волатильности и объема на 20 монетах.
Монеты - настраиваются.
Алерты - пока отсутствуют, но планируются в будущем.
Band of Filtered RS by Mustafa ÖZVERBand of Filtered RS by Mustafa ÖZVER
This code shows a range (max-min values) price may get if we get strong movements. These values is based on RSI (Relative Strange Index). And also these are calculated using RSI, if we get trades to make rsi is equal to 25 (or rsi down limit) or 75 (rsi up limit) or any value you set, how much will price value get? This code calculate these and shows these to you on graph.
This price are between these band limits because we expect cross reaction to hard movements on price.
For scalping, we can use these values as
long signal when price under down limit,
short signal when price over up limit,
But only these values can not guarantee good results for trading. BE CAREFUL