

Hello Traders.

Stochastic RSI is sky high.

Would like to bring to your alert that Tesla is a "Castle in the Sky".
I have done the fundamental analysis on Google and bring to you a message.
Facebook and Google are both funneling money into Tesla.

Tesla is the last castle in the sky for the "New World Order".

Apparently, Elon knew the whole time. This was an Irish pyramid scheme.

Apple is in on it too even.

If you watch the MACD Moving Time Frame (composite moving average) signals on the third chart from the top, we see a sky high signal line with oscillation between buy and sell.


They're faking out the day traders.

Rise. Destroy Tesla. They "cannot" crash? They are. The one castle in the Sky.


Wait for the South Korean whales to move first.

Britain should be in on this too.

- dysonring2050


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