
IOT-USD 10-Day-Ahead Prediction - 04/10-04/19 Period

Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning Enabled 10 Day Ahead Predicted values for IOTA (IOT) have been plotted on the chart.

The method used in this prediction is Deep Learning based, and using complex mathematical models/methodologies to extract hidden time series features in vast amounts of IOT related data.

The expected 5 Day Change is 6.087 %

The expected 10 Day Change is 9.565 %

Predictability Indicator is calculated as : 0.880

Predicted 10-Day Ahead Prices are as follows:

Tue Apr 10 Wed Apr 11 Thu Apr 12 Fri Apr 13 Sat Apr 14
1.0854 1.0971 1.1064 1.1147 1.1245
Sun Apr 15 Mon Apr 16 Tue Apr 17 Wed Apr 18 Thu Apr 19
1.1330 1.1407 1.1478 1.1545 1.1613

You can see our previous predictions on the same chart highlighted green for IOT ;)

Please note that outliers/non-linearities might occur, however our Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning Enabled predictions indicate the softened/smoothed moving direction of the stocks/commodities/World indices/ETFs/Foreign Currencies/Cryptocurrencies.

Feel free to contact us for your questions.

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