ETI (Exchange Trend Indicator) is a very powerful indicator of strength. This analyse the asset and output a number that indicate how much the asset is raising up. With this indicator investor/trader can find the better performance asset in term of growth and volatility. Being classified among the best according to ETI means that the asset was able to:
• create constant value over time • maintain volatility (and therefore risk) at contained levels • quickly recover from the inevitable declines • maintain an optimal risk/return ratio
Therefore, the characteristics that the asset must have to pass the ETI exam are:
• history of at least of 60 bars (independent from time-frame) • consistently positive performance at 20, 40, 60 bars. • consistently profitable risk-adjusted return • growth "ideally" at 45°, as in the image below
Usage details -Note that if asset does not pass one of above check, ETI indicator will be plotted on chart with “NULL” message.
In below example is clearly visible the absence of trend UP and very big volatility
In below example the asset is in down trend
-Desired value is above 10, that indicates a very good uptrend.
Settings ETI Indicator has no possibilities of settings.
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