Heatmap - Support & Resistance (Volume Clusters)

Heatmap - Support & Resistance (Volume Clusters)

The Heatmap is based on the real traded volume.
The Heatmap can help identify the levels of Support and Resistance, thus validating other indicators' Oversold or Overbought conditions.

Small blocks don't have much significance. On the other hand, bigger and brighter ones would mean strong levels of Support or Resistance.

Alerts are available to be set to fire whenever the Support or Resistance levels are reached.

Related tools:
Volume Delta
Counters Ratio
릴리즈 노트
added a Noise Filter.
릴리즈 노트
added option - 5min chart interval
blockscountersratioCVDheatmaporderblockssupportSupport and ResistancevolumeclustersvolumedeltaVolume

초대 전용 스크립트

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