Trend Analyzer aims to define and analyze the trend of a particular asset at a given time using MACD, mathematical functions, and moving average.
It comes in very handy when determining an overall strategy or when you need to decide on whether a trade makes sense or not.
Finally, you can build a complete strategy around the indicator.
When the histogram is green, it means that the asset is currently bullish. Blue shows a possible reversal while red is synonymous with a bearish trend.
In the configuration panel, you can change the length of the data analysis.
The lower the number, the more recent the data captured is. Therefore, it's more predictive.
- You want to make a long trade on a 30mn chart but the indicator is red on the 30mn chart but also in the lower charts showing that the trend is not likely to reverse... You should think twice about that trade.
- You want to short the market on a 2h chart but on the lower charts, the green indicator is showing... Wait for a little bit, you might short at a higher price.
Let's take the BTCUSDT Future on the 2h chart :
You can display the indicator twice.
The first one with a length of 5, the second one with a length of 4.
To enter a long trade, wait for the green on length 5 and exit it at blue or red on length 4! It works like magic ;)
Trading and investing in the financial markets involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor.
All trading strategies are used at your own risk.
Trend Analyzer is part of the SwingSwiss Suite, contact me for more info