
ZKSUSDT vs 1INCH vs UNISWAP 4hr://AIRDROPs for all 3 to kick off

dont have a ton of time but this is a disrupter, at least in the next 6 months plus. Massive money easy to move around for cheap. ALSO see trustswap_TRUST n Serum_SRM/SOL etc. but for us we r heavy on ZKSwap_ZKS.

_WE jumped into a one-year staking pool for max rewards with 30 plus percent of the VERY HARD WON HGM PORTFOLIO. AT 800ish APY_which should go down a bit b4 stabilizes. _ we are earning like 3 percent a day on our stake with cheap layer 2 gas fees to boot. Point is i like SRM n SOL etc as well as TRUST _TRUSTSwap as hedges for this eth gas saving alternative. in the end its all about layer 2 but untill then A LOT of market share is open as new people storm into this ecosystem with waiting and open arms smilez... IMagian 1inch n uniswap with min gas fees...

YOU CAN ALSO TRADE DOZENS OF OTHER TOKENS ON LAYER 2 FOR CHEEP GAS VIA ZKS PLATFORM_1inch_sushi_all that. Honestly i was skeptical when this was brought to me but i admit i am thoroughly impressed with zks. Lido_LDO is nice to stake eth with via layer 2 for that decent to normal world great APY of 30 plus percent. (GREAT BUY OP FOR LDO AT THE MOMENT) and there r a few other interesting options out there but more via smart contractor a full service layer two roll up _platform zks is def ahead of the game. (again srry for the quick post wish i could explain more now.... more to come soon. but till then buy the btc dip when u can n stash in the CEL wallet)


as i look at this u can see people becoming more aware each air drop.

_UNIswap was such an exciting concept that it still pumped after airdrop for a bit as people figured out what the hell this DOA was n how to claim n use it via metamask.
_1inch a bit of the same but all in all muchhhh quicker drop off after airdrop_but still some pump anyway for about one day a bit less.
_then we see zks and how quick everyone was on this one this time. THE SPACE IS GROWING Its great to see DONT SLEEP ON THIS...

thanks all


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