
US100 Analysis: Week 7/12/21 - 7/16/21

My overall medium term bias for the market is bullish. Right now I'm seeing any dips as opportunities to buy.
Technically we're in a strong uptrend and we just had a healthy pullback. I see it breaking even further to the upside after a small retracement.

News I'm watching out for. (all pairs)

- Comments about the timeline of interest rate hikes.
- Comments about quantitative easing (tapering or not).
- Keep an eye on the opec+ spat. Watch for tapering of production cuts. Watch for oil demand projections returning to pre-pandemic levels earlier than expected.
- Any news about vaccines being ineffective against new variants of the virus.
- News about more lockdowns due to virus variants.

GL Traders!

"You don’t need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ." - Warren Buffett

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