

Ukraine has a sizable pool of software developers ready to break into the blockchain technology space.

Last year, Dutch IT company Daxx ranked Ukraine as the most desirable country for information technology outsourcing and the No. 1 in the world for hiring programmers.

Ukraine processes more cryptocurrency transactions per day than it does in its domestic currency, the hryvnia, a 2021 report by The New York Times shows.

$8 Billion In Crypto Enters Ukraine Annually
According to The Times’ report, more than $150 million worth of cryptocurrency is traded in Ukraine everyday, and approximately $8 billion worth of cryptocurrency enters and departs the country each year.

Ukraine’s parliament enacted laws legalizing cryptocurrencies last week, laying the groundwork for a regulatory framework to effectively oversee the flow of digital assets such as Bitcoin.

Ukraine’s policymakers are optimistic that the new law and its crypto adoption would draw additional international investment into the country’s developing crypto economy, however frictions — and now a full-scale war – with Russia looks to dampen financial inflows.

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