
do we or dont we thats the question... just cost averg said dad

man i want some alts BAAAAADDDDDDD
its tricky due to the market needing to drop down a bit and re establish lower support as that neck of a trading block in every alt to eth n btc needs some trade action and solid organic support over time not days or a few weeks (see market cap in crypto doubling almost tripled in 1 month as BTC ran from 18k to 30k_this is the neck or naked trading block that needs some attention)

when this crypto trend begins upward again after new support established. DEXs will hold way more power then last years run. the market is I like to think a bit wiser esp with inflated eth gas prices. Layer 2 is stitching up the cross chain movements within and off chain as well as reducing trade and minting fees. These dexs like Optimism, io launching their token (UNIswaps Layer Two project blessed by Vitalek) also SEE OTHER DEXs LIKE SUSHI SNX PANCAKEswap n others Like LOOPring ZKS even centralized CRO Voyager or VGX CHSB i meant the money needs to get on n off etc n play some how rite. also like some heavy DeFi or what ever we call it now players like AAVE YFI CRV LEND MKR then other blockchain ETH like projects ADA (this walled garden will specialize in KYC and third world blockchain infostructure development_ see or OCC n Cardwallet for deep market cap ADA eco system projects) DOT little brother and Asain located ETH n Fantom AVAX SOL n maybe a bit just a touch of MATIC BNB tokens for BSC Then we have on n off ramp or and cross chain specialized projects FOR ME ONE WINNER AS OF NOW _ COSMOS ATOM token then anything BTC or lightning network cuz thats where all the main crypto liquidity is. See DODO i could go on n on but just get in where u fit in and dont spread to thin until full time est uptrend in crypto is back


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