
OP/USDT Gained 300% in past 3 month what Next..?

Analysis of the OP/USDT Technical Chart:

The current trading price of OP is $2.425, representing a 27% decrease from its recent high in February. However, the chart shows that OP has generated high returns for investors in the past 3 months, with a 300% increase.

Currently, OP is holding strong support at the neck line level, and it is expected to continue to do so. However, if it breaks down, there is a significant down leg waiting for the breakdown, and a 50% decrease is expected.

In the event of a breakdown, the first target is expected to be $1.642, with a second target of $1.16. Two major support points to watch are $1.642 and $1.435, with the possibility of a great entry point at a retracement of 0.5 and 0.618 at these levels.

The current resistance level for OP is $3.16.

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