Supply destruction also causes demand destruction. EU is preparing to switch back to coal until it can be replaced by wind/solar etc, for instance Greek Utility PPC recently announced it will increase lignite power generation by 50% and the PM announced that this figure could be increased even more if it is essential to have a steady supply for summer months and avoid high NATGAS prices, and more likewise announcements are bound to follow imho from other European utilites as well.Also May is coming with generally lower need for heating/cooling which could impact the overall demand for natural gas, summer does come with higher need for electricity but it's also a generally windier season, and Europe is prepared to harness that as well. Moreover, there could be even bigger supply changes in the mid-term when the Baltic pipe starts delivering gas through Denmark/Norway. Personally, i'm not necessarily threatened by big moves upward because this instrument is known for it's big and volatile moves. Opinions?


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