Market Cap ETH Dominance, %

Its time for plan "E"

its combination of fundamental and technical analysis on ETH

current condition network is like old fossiled car, it is the best at the design but not efficient now! on the other hand, ETH2 update has already filled half of its road map and all the crypto fans waiting for ethereum immigration on POS algorithm and difficulty bomb. Other alternatives like SOL , ADA , TRX ,... are so happy for this condition and the have took the chance to raise up . afte EIP1559 and full up dated ETH2 , we can see the flow of money bach to ETH , because it would have much better scalability and speed ... after all, in comparing with BTC, "the old king" , i would chose the most useful one, same as others ...

technically it can reach 25% dominance of crypto market(wich has almost 10T) in the end of current bull-run, and much higher afte that, in bear market of next cycle

based on ETH total supply, burning rates and so on, you can calculate the prediction of ETH about 10-15K
maybe it will make harmonic "Cup" pattern
its just the beginning... from now, forget about bitcoin, queen is leading ...


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