
A case study on Fib Times - EOS!

Timing, is obviously the most difficult aspect of Technical Analysis . It often can be very easy to predict reversals, but when they may or may not come, is undeniably harder to assume.

Like all Fib tools, Fib time zones can be incredibly useful, as applied by an experienced analyst. Also, I find that, experimentation is always necessary with these things.
Now of course, its easy for any half decent analyst, to look back and say, oh this reversal was obvious for (insert xxx reason). And, this is true. Looking back, so much of price action, seems so obvious. Of course, the saying "hindsight is 20/20 is as true with T/A, as it has ever been.

Here, you can see that I have been working with Fib Time Zones, to try to be more situationally aware of likely reversal areas.
This tool, when used in conjunction with proper placement of fib retracements, fib channels, and other tools, is simply AMAZING. I have no doubt that when used properly, this is a POWERFUL tool. I am still learning as we all are, but I would just like to share what I have been working on purely experimentally, with fib time zones.

I would LOVE some feedback, ESPECIALLY if someone out there is well versed with this tool. It's probably one of the less talked about Fib Tools, and I think it just has, so much potential.

Now this chart is purely hindsight though, has elements of my forward predictive analysis on EOS, so I will just throw out there, EOS looks like a solid buy right now. If you'd like to see a more indepth analysis of EOS going forward, I will attach my other EOS chart here.

I hope you guys like this, and I encourage you to do your own experiments with this. Analysis of previous price action is the BEST way to hone our T/A and be more aware of things to identify moving forward.

As always, good luck traders.

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