
BITCOIN CASH - Symmetric Triangle Pattern, 100% Profit Potential

This graph shows where bitcoin cash could be heading next in terms of surprise, I have predicted that there are two possibilities of where the value could head one being in the upwards Direction towards the $4,600 Mark and the other being the opposite trend at the $1,500 Mark. This is quite unlikely as you would take use cell value in order to push fit quick cash to this price, however, we should take it into account as if the $2,000 Mark is broken downwards there is a possibility that we could head to that price.

The more positive side is that there is a higher chance for the currency have another increase and return back to the previous house we'll probably find some consolidation and resistance.

  • MACD - Lots of Potential for upward movement.
  • RSI - also leaves space for an upwards trend more so than downwards.

  • Orange - Resistance.
  • Pink - Support.

As always trade the lines accordingly.

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