This indicator is based on a Donchian Channel with Fibonacci zones I published before. Features are added which enable trading decisions, it suggests when to open either a long or a short position, it provides suggestions for a stop loss level and suggests a take profit level, the calculation of the take profit suggestion can be altered in the inputs. The user should devise a trading strategy on his own, several strategies are possible, but as a Donchian Channel is used, these must come down to refinements in the classical Turtle Trading system.
Donchian Channels have no lagging, this tool being based on these, has none as well. The only added feature with a little lagging is the Hull MA, all other features work at once and report right now the historical context of the present bar or candle even while it is developping.
This indicator works in any time frame. However, when the user sets the prediction calculation to percent, then in small intraday time frames the result will be relatively huge.
Fibonacci retracement levels are based on inclinations which exist in nature and which also exist in the financial markets. The expectations, labeled ‘DFT: expect’, based on these levels, are usually correct. The take profit levels otoh, labeled ‘DFT: predict’, are usually incorrect. The trader should take care and needs proper ‘gut feeling’ in using these
The zone in which the close is, is brighter coloured.
If the close enters the Up Trend or Down Trend zone, coming from another zone, a triangle is placed just outside the channel border. If it leaves the zone, an X cross is placed.
The indicator can report four market situations which may be valid for the last candle:
3.1. Market is in up trend: a blue dot is placed in an offset (=future) position of the High Border,
expect levels are placed offset of High Border and the Highest Fibonacci line,
3.2. Market is in down trend: a red dot is placed offset the Low Border, also expect levels offset the Low Border and the Lowest Fibonacci line.
3.3. Market is high ranging, i.e. last break out was at High Border and market is not in up- or down trend. A green dot is placed offset the Center High Fibonacci line and expect levels offset the Highest and Center Low Fibonacci lines.
3.4. Market is low ranging, i.e. last break out was at Low Border and market is not in up- or down trend. A brown dot is placed offset the Center Low Fibonacci line and expect levels offset the Center High and Lowest Fibonacci lines.
When the High Border is touched, the Swing Line changes its level to the Highest Fibonacci line and changes its color to blue. When the Low Border is touched, the Swing Line changes its level to the Lowest Fibonacci line and changes its color to red. This way you can see whether the general trend is up- or down and also if and when the line has been crossed.
These markers flash when the last bar or candle or the one before that, touches a channel border, the offset is equal to the expect levels.
The prediction level flashes in the same situation as the diamond marker. The default level is 1 Average True Range. Most are in fact false signals. One can switch the prediction level off by setting the added amount to 0, then only the Diamond Markers will flash
Its direction provides an indication of the price dynamics.
Quite a few lines stop before the last bar or candle. This way the last candle seem free loating and the chart reports only the values the user needs.
Enjoy, Eykpunter.
Price Channel v2Added parameters for source of highest and lowest line.
It's usefull for ultra volatile markets like cryptocurrencies and penny stocks. Using close price as source helps to filter out false breakout signals in turtle trading strategy.
Bollinger Awesome Alert R1 by JustUncleLThis indicator is an implementation of the Bollinger Band and Awesome Oscillator Scalping system.
This technique is for those who want the most simple method that is very effective. It is BEST traded during the busiest trading hours, 3am to 12am EST NY time. This method doesn't work in sideways markets, only in volatile trending markets.
Time Frames: 1, 5, 10, 15 ,30 min.
Currency pairs: majors.
Other Chart indicators:
Add Awesome Oscillator.
Optionally Add Squeeze Indicator.
Here's the strategy:
Going LONG:
Enter a long position when the black 3 EMA has crossed up through the Bollinger red middle band MA. At the same time, the Awesome should be approaching or crossing it's zeroline, going up. This is indicated by "Buy" alert.
Going SHORT:
Enter a short position when the black 3 EMA has crossed down through the Bollinger red middle band MA. At the same time, the Awesome should be approaching or crossing it's zero line, going down. This is indicated by the "Sell" Alert.
Take profit:
10-20 pips depending on pair or When Awesome Oscillator turns a different colour.
HINTS: Best trades tend to occur when price reversing bounce off outer band and outside the Optional Bollinger Squeeze indication.
Trading PubI got this e-mail from some place called Trading Pub that had what they claimed was some indicator that made money every time. They included the formula and I'm interested in coding so I thought I'd give it a try. It looks like it's supposed to; it doesn't look like magic like they said (of course). This is much cheaper than paying them a bunch of money to lose a bunch of money.
Triple Guppy CrossGUPPY MULTIPLE ESTIMATED MOVING AVERAGE (EMA) is for Trend Trading. This script uses three sets of crosses to give us an indicator of possible trend reversal. Red cross is the first alert, followed by blue and black. Black cross being the strongest, red cross weakest.
More information about Guppy Trading can be found in the link below
Universal Time Frame v1.1Now it should work better but is only for intraday charts. There are some other glitches though; I'll try to fix them as soon as possible.
Chauvenet RadiusThe Chauvenet criterion is a well-known criterion of selection and rejection of the data used by the Physics. It establishes that in an experiment is well to discard the data whose distance from the average is greater than a certain number of the delta.
In the stock market if prices move away from the average with a volatility too high are suspect. This principle is embodied in the Chauvenet floor with the definition of two asymptotes and two data areas rejection.
The Chauvenet Radius is the quadratic sum of the delta (distance from average) and sigmoid (volatility) and is therefore an obvious market stability index. In fact the moments when price strongly moves away from the average with high volatility coincide with the moments of high instability of the market.
It can be considered an evolution of John Bollinger method introduced during the '80.
Fractal Dimension Adaptive Moving Average (D-AMA)
Overall the D-AMA produced results that were near identical to that of the FRAMA but the D-AMA is a slightly faster average.
It is very difficult to pick between the FRAMA and the D-AMA but becuase the FRAMA offers a slightly longer trade duration it the best Moving Average we have tested so far.
Intramarket Correlator L-O-L-A excerptHere we have an intramarket correlator taken as an excerpt from the L-O-L-A institutional trading system.
The plot displayed on the screen is the correlation index of the correlated security plotted against the security data series. Suggest simple line plots of contrasting colors.
When the plot is below the security price this is an indication of a strong negative correlation. When the plot is above the security price this is indicative of a strong positive correlation.
Provided for free by Tarzan at tradingview. or
plz contact for more information on L-O-L-A
*** Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results ***
Life is like a moving picture
Nothing in life is a permanent fixture
Ray Davies
Trading hours background highlight UTC basedHighlights trading opening hours in the background based on UTC times.
Settings for US and EU markets available now, let me know if you want other markets.
Candles Pattens (v. 1.14)This script sows you candlestick patterns in real-time.
At that moment script knows Bearish/Bullish Engulf and Doji Points.
You can recommend me which pattens you want to see in next version at comment section below
UCS_S_Steve Primo - Strategy #8Hello Fellas,
Hope you are trading fantastic and fine. Here is another setup from Steve Primo (Stocks) Setups. He claims this can be applied on any market, and you can. Primarily focused on Stocks and Futures market.
What did I change, ofcourse I don't publish what I find, There is a bit of me in the codes.....
1. Setup only shows up at meaningful levels, Stringent Filter
Myself and tradearcher will keep this upto date. As he has volenteered to help with the track record of steve primo strategies.
This is more like catching a freight train after a mini pullback.
AGAIN, This is not a holy grail, but this fits my personality of trading, Buying pullbacks on stronger stocks. Because it is harder to get a UCS_momo_Oscillator to signal a setup, primarily because of the smoothing, you can use this as an alternative to catch the excitement trade.
Do not sit on it for more than T+4 days, Unless another setup triggered in your way.
Rule - Buy/Sell the candle breakout next day after the setup - in the direction it is setting up
- Close the Position @ 100% candle extension or RSI Oversold.
DP's Countertrend IndicatorShows your potential profit by going short(red)/long(green) against the current trend, use with you favorite entry/exit method for maximum effect, can be adjusted for share cost and commission.
UCS_Murrey's Math Oscillator_V2Hello, Murrey Math lovers, Thanks for those who showed interest on this. Based on a request, I have updated the plot / candle coloring, for Version - 2.
This has been in the queue for a while.
There was a Glitch found with the Multiplier. Will Fix in the next version. The Current Version (and the previous version) only supports 1/8 fractions. Will not support 0.25. The code needs to be updated, to automate the fractal line glitches for other ratios, Planned for future update.
Good Luck and Enjoy the Colorful Oscillator. Please keep your suggestions flowing. Lets make it better.
Ichimoku-Hausky_v2.1Made a little update to my trading system. This system is made so that you can easily follow the trend and know when to get out. You still have to know basic market structure to find a good entry.
NB!! I see that i placed the entry wrong on the example, you have too wait for the EMA to go below the MA :)
I have posted the right one at the bottom.
Take profit can be set at last low or you can use trail stop on the EMA, MA, Kijun-sen or Tenkan-sen.
Example rules:
IF Market is in a trend or are possibly close to break out of range
THEN see if price has closed above cloud
IF price has closed above cloud
THEN see if EMA has crossed above MA
IF EMA has crossed above MA
THEN buy or wait for pullback
IF Market is in a trend or are possibly close to break out of range
THEN see if price has closed below cloud
IF price has closed below cloud
THEN see if EMA has crossed below MA
IF EMA has crossed below MA
THEN buy or wait for pullback
Ichimoku-Hausky_v2 Trading SystemMade a new version of my trading system. I have added a cloud that is made with 45 EMA and 104 MA. Now you can choose where to set trailing stop. As shown in the example you set trailing stop under the cloud.
Moving CovarianceCo-variance is a representation of the average percent data points deviate from there mean. A standard calculation of Co-variance uses One standard Deviation. Using the empirical rule, we can assume that about 68.26% of Data points lie in this range.
The advantage to plotting co variance as a time series is that it will show you how volatility of a trailing period changes. Therefore trend lines and other methods of analysis such as Fibonacci retracements could be applied in order to generate volatility targets.
For the purpose of this indicator I have the mean using a vwma derived from vwap. This makes this measurement of co-variance more sensitive to changes in volume, likewise are more representative a change in volatility, thus giving this indicator a "leading aspect".
UCS_Murrey's Math OscillatorThis is a new indicator release, Using the principle of Murrey Math Line Trading Systems. It will be easier for someone to add alerts on an oscillator rather than a overlay.
Currently, I did add some aesthetics for those who like to view different colors, can be turned off.
Oscillator Color Definition -
Green = Above MidLine
Red = Below Midline
Blue = Below Negative 3rd Quadrant
Orange = Above Positive 3rd Quadrant
Planned future Improvement is to consider Wicks as well.
Do post your opinions and any improvement.