Camarilla Pivot Points Strategy Pivot point studies highlight prices considered to be a likely turning point
when looking at values from a previous period, whether it be daily, weekly,
quarterly or annual. Each pivot point study has its own characteristics on
how these points are calculated.
Red color = Sell
Green color = Buy
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Strategy BTBTBTBT — strategy for only long positional trading of top cryptocurrencies. BTCUSD and ETHUSD are best suited for this strategy.
The main idea of the strategy is to buy cryptocurrency with a leverage of up to 1: 3 when the market is growing, and get rid of cryptocurrency when the market is not growing or falling.
The strategy is working on a daily timeframe .
To determine the trend, the strategy uses a combination of indicators MA25 and MA99.
To determine overbought (pump) and oversold (dump), the strategy uses the oscillator "SPPO".
The strategy has three trading conditions:
1) SPPO SPPOoverBought - "pump" market. Close all long positions or leave a position with a micro-leverage of 1: 0.1 for a period of 28 days.
3) Closing> MA25 > MA99 - uptrend in the market. We open the "long" position with a leverage of 1: 3.
If market conditions do not meet the above criteria, then the strategy does not have open positions.
Input parameters
Recommended timeframe D1.
FastLength - period for fast MA. Default = 25.
SlowLength - period of slow MA. Default = 99.
SPPOoverSold - trigger for determining the dump in the market. Default = -30.
SPPOoverBought - trigger to determine the pump in the market. Default = 35.
SPPOmaxForLong - the maximum value of SPPO for opening a long position. Default = 10.
LeverageLong - leverage when entering the market with a "long" signal. Default = 3.
LeveragePamp - the amount of leverage when entering the market with a "pump" signal. Default = 0.1.
LeverageDamp - the amount of leverage when entering the market with a "dump" signal. Default = 1.
Log equity chart - If true, use a logarithmic scale for a graph of equity. Default = false.
WinStop Strategy for BItcoinWinStop strategy is a high alpha low volatility trend following strategy based on Validate PSAR trends and RSI and William %R oscillators.
Historical Exp MA crossover (EEMANI) strategyThis strategy is based on exponential moving average.
I was doing some research on when price extended too far from moving averages / exponential moving averages , ended up with this idea.
when Exponential MA cross over the historical Exponential MA
when Exponential MA cross down the historical Exponential MA
Take Profit
if you check take profit parameter , strategy marks the bars in yellow color when it reaches 30% profit
I have tested this strategy with SPY , which showed best results with Exp MA = 51 and Historical Exp MA = 100
which has 71% win ratio and High profit factor low max draw down . especially Max Loss on any taken trade is less than 5%
Though price movement looks ugly on the chart , ultimately trade closes with decent profit / minimal loss
Note : past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, please do your research and back test
Strategy - Backtest Uber Kuskus Starlight [UTS]Backtest of Uber Kuskus Starlight
Backtest with focus win/loss profitability.
Formula: profitability = win / (win+loss)
Default equity 100k USD
Default 2% Risk per trade
Default currency USD
Define backtest interval precisely by month, year, day
LONG and SHORT positions
Visualize SL and TP on chart
ATR (len: 14, smooth: SMA)
ATR based Stop-Loss, if hit trade will be closed and considered as loss
ATR based Take-Profit, if hit trade will be closed and considered as win
On TP or SL hit the trade is closed and marked as win/loss
LSMA Strategy (BTCUSD 1H)LSMA Strat - For usage on XBT / BTC USD Markets on 1H timeframe.
Uses multiple LSMA's. RSI from 1H + 4H.
Calibrated for this market and timeframe ONLY.
Backtest with leverage of 1.
Super Z strategy - Thanks to Rafael Zioni//Original script
This is a test for verifying if this interesting study works well.
The author, thanks to him!!!, advise a possible repaint because the script uses security function.
Refer to for more info on repainting:
We can see repainting in the following cases:
1- Strategies using calc_on_every_tick=true. A strategy with parameter calc_on_every_tick = false may also be prone to repainting, but to a lesser degree.
(this is not the case, ndr).
2- Using security for requesting data from a resolution higher than the resolution of the chart’s main symbol (i.e. do not use ion weelky chart if you set 1440 (1Day) in inputs)
NOTE: Thanks again to Rafael Zioni. If he requires to delete this strategy, I'll do immediately.
The MATRIX: Ultimate Crypto Position FinderThe Position Finder is a visual representation and additional feature of the "MATRIX Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy" and it should therefore be used alongside this script.
***You can find the main trading strategy script on our profile page***
-The Position Finder is a tool that allows the user to see multiple triggers at the same time on a single chart of the "MATRIX Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy".
The Position Finder consists of 3 parts, namely an entry, a re-entry and an exit part (from top to bottom). Each of these three fields is made up of several green, black or red horizontal lines in which each line corresponds to a specific trigger.
-An entry or re-entry signal is valid once all individual triggers turn dark GREEN at the same time (for the top and middle matrix fields respectively). When this happens a bright GREEN vertical line is formed. The main trading strategy script will also print "Long Entry" label. While BLACK color indicates that a certain trigger is not valid. Yes, we know. It sounds very complicated, but once you understood it, we promise it will be the most simple and dare we say, an interesting tool to use.
-An exit signal is made once a single trigger turns RED. The main trading strategy script will also print a RED colored "Long Exit" label. While BLACK color indicates that the exit signal is not triggered.
For those who are interested in the rationale of why a certain entry or exit signal was made a list with triggers can be found below. It contains the complete set of triggers for the entry, re-entry and exit signals from top to bottom.
Entry Trigger List:
1: Evaluation of short term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, conversion line related to base line.
2: Evaluation of longer term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to the ichimoku cloud.
3: Confirmation of the longer term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, lagging span related to ichimoku cloud.
4: Confirmation of short term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to conversion line and base line.
5: Evaluation of longer term trend projection: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, projected ichimoku cloud shape.
6: Confirmation of short term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, lagging span related to the price.
7: Confirmation of short term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, lagging span related to the price (alternative method).
8: Confirmation of the longer term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, lagging span related to ichimoku cloud (alternative method).
9: Confirmation of the longer term trend: Moving averages.
10: Confirmation of sufficient momentum: Macd indicator.
11: Evaluation of overbought or oversold conditions in the price: RSI indicator.
12: Evaluation of price equilibrium: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to ichimoku cloud , conversion line, base line.
13: Confirmation of general trend: Vortex indicator.
14: Evaluation of price equilibrium: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to ichimoku cloud , conversion line, base line (alternative method).
15: Evaluation of volatility: Choppiness index indicator.
16: Evaluation of volume: Volume indicator.
Re-Entry Trigger List:
1: Confirmation of short term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to conversion line and base line.
2: Evaluation of short term trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, conversion line related to base line.
3: Confirmation of the longer term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, conversion line and base line related to the ichimoku cloud .
4: Confirmation of sufficient momentum: Macd indicator.
5: Confirmation of sufficient momentum: Macd indicator (alternative method).
6: Evaluation of overbought or oversold conditions in the price: RSI indicator.
7: Confirmation of sufficient momentum: Macd indicator (alternative method).
8: Confirmation of general trend: Vortex indicator.
9: Confirmation of the longer term upward trend: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to the ichimoku cloud .
10: Evaluation of bullish/bearish territory.
Exit Trigger List:
1: Confirmation of short term trend reversal: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, conversion line related to base line.
2: Confirmation of neutral territory: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to the ichimoku cloud .
3: Confirmation of bearish territory: Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator, price related to the ichimoku cloud .
4: Evaluation of extremely overbought conditions in the price: RSI indicator.
5: Confirmation of bearish divergence signals.
Reminder: Use this trading strategy at your own risk and trade responsibly. We are not responsible for any financial loss using this strategy.
***The script is invite-only, message us to get script access***
The MATRIX: Ultimate Crypto Position StrategyHi all,
We are cryptocurrency miners and 'hodlers’ since 2013, with unwavering confidence in the technology behind it. We’d always thought that it would be a life-changing êvent. And we were right. We went from “broke” to making shit loads of money and all the way back to bitter nothing. If you are lucky, you probably haven’t experienced what if feels to be high on cash and then fall very deep low, but let me reassure you, it is a nasty feeling.
Then we wondered, what the hell did we do wrong? Or better say, what didn’t we do right! The answer was dead simple: We had no experience in trading, we were overwhelmed by emotions and we didn't use any trading strategy. Hence, we were doomed to fail from the beginning.
In order to build an all-in-one profitable trading strategy, we had to start from zero. The one thing we learned is that your goal for financial gain cannot be achieved without discipline and consistency. Our prime focus was to absorb as much info as possible regarding trading and coding by doing an extensive self-study, which consequentially took us to the next level.
One of the secrets to being successful from a trading perspective is to have an indefatigable and undying thirst for information and knowledge. As Bruce Lee once said: “Learning is never cumulative; it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning nor end”. So, we adapted what was useful, rejected what was useless, and added our own preferences based on our mindset. We were totally committed to be the best. Our goal was never to lose money again! Of course, this is an illusion, as no single strategy is correct all of the time.
Therefore, the final trading strategy was based on the following key elements:
• The avoidance of risk is more important than absolute profit. Do not anticipate and do not move without market confirmation. Being a little late in your trade is your indication if you are right or wrong.
• Offering simplicity and practicality, for those that do not have the time to trade 24/7.
• Believe in analysis and not in forecasting. Trading is a skill for those who are smart and gambling for those who are not.
In conclusion, we are absolutely thrilled to finally release this trading strategy after one year of extensive back testing and optimization. The script was supposed to be for personal use only, but because Tradingview has helped us a lot in this process, we want to share it with all of you and give something back to this amazing community. If you learned something new today and found value, please give us a like to show your support! We’d really appreciate it.
***The script is invite-only, message us to get script access***
The MATRIX: Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy should be used as follows:
• The trading strategy was designed and optimized for trading cryptocurrencies only ; furthermore it works best on established high market cap cryptocurrencies that have a clear trend such as:
• The trading strategy is based on swing/position methodology. The script must therefore be used on daily timeframe candles only (1D) .
• Use USD trading pairs only (e.g. use ETHUSD instead of the ETHBTC) since the individual trend is captured more effectively and therefore gives better results.
The MATRIX:Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy is based on the following indicators:
• Ichimoku Cloud ; acts as the leading indicator.
• Volume ; without strong volume , a market move is not valid.
• MACD and Vortex ; both being used as confirmation indicators.
• Choppiness index ; avoids trading in choppy markets.
• Bullish/ Bearish Regular Divergences in combination with RSI to spot tops and bottoms.
• Simple and Exponential Moving Averages ; prêvents trading against the trend.
The trading strategy is easy to use, trend based and without repainting, meaning once a signal has been made it is permanent and that no future data is used in the decision making. It detects the trend and filters out market noise based on more than 10 technical indicators. ONLY when all indicators align with each other the algorithm prints a BUY or SELL signal. The trading strategy provides high probability trading signals and minimizes risk! This script aims to capture the profit from longer term trending moves and by doing so filters out non-substantial trends and avoids the associated risks with these trades.
The MATRIX: Ultimate Crypto Position Strategy has the following features:
• Automatically generated Buy / Sell alerts in the form of a label.
• NO Repaint once candle is closed.
• SAFEGUARD ; custom built-in security prevẹnts trading when the price is out of equilibrium.
• Customizable Display for the Ichimoku cloud indicator display.
Below are the backtest results. Keep in mind that this strategy is quite conservative resulting in few long positions. These results are therefore no guarantee for the future.
Back test results: (only Long trades, signal to signal, order size: 100% of equity, commision fee 0.1%, period: start of chart)
Exchange-----Asset---------Timeframe---Percent Profitable----Profit Factor-----Total Trades----Max Drawdown---Average bars in trade-----Net Profit
Reminder: Use this trading strategy at your own risk and trade responsibly. We are not responsible for any financial loss using this strategy.
***The script is invite-only, message us to get script access***
Mean Reversion w/ Bollinger BandsThis is a more advanced version of my original mean reversion script.
It employs the famous Bollinger Bands.
This robot will buy when price falls below the lower Bollinger Band, and sell when price moves above the upper Bollinger Band.
I've only tested it on the S&P 500, though you could try it out on other assets to see the backtest performance.
During the recent COVID-19 bear market drop, it produced several buy signals on the S&P which I followed, and made some nice gains so far.
I still think this would make a better investing strategy (buy undervalued / sell over-valued), rather than a trading strategy.
I use this robot for my long term portfolio.
Combo Strategy 123 Reversal & Elder Ray (Bear Power) This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
Developed by Dr Alexander Elder, the Elder-ray indicator measures buying
and selling pressure in the market. The Elder-ray is often used as part
of the Triple Screen trading system but may also be used on its own.
Dr Elder uses a 13-day exponential moving average (EMA) to indicate the
market consensus of value. Bear Power measures the ability of sellers to
drive prices below the consensus of value. Bear Power reflects the ability
of sellers to drive prices below the average consensus of value.
Bull Power is calculated by subtracting the 13-day EMA from the day's High.
Bear power subtracts the 13-day EMA from the day's Low.
You can use in the xPrice any series: Open, High, Low, Close, HL2, HLC3, OHLC4 and ect...
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
TS - Long Term Trading Algorithm - StrategyStrategy to the bespoke TS - Trading Algorithm. Highly profitable cryptocurrency trading model.
This script is long only profitable strategy- there is a script coming in the next few days for shorter timeframe long & short trading.
- Backtesting is from 2017.
- 0.05% commission
- 100% capital allocation per trade.
Access to both the backtesting strategy & indicator is paid - PM me for details.
Armi Goldman V1.7 CopernicusScript uses an EMA (Exponential Moving Average) as an indicator. When the price crosses (breakout/breakdown) the EMA, the trigger is activated. Script does the breakout and breakdown calculations. It considers one candle close above or below the EMA.
It is used only in trending markets like bullish trends and/or bearish trends and never in flat. It can get very bad results so pay attention!
Feel free to test it and add comments.
I am open to answer any questions.
I would like to know what you think and how can we improve this strategy.
Thank you & enjoy!
TS - Trading Algorithm - StrategyStrategy to the bespoke TS - Trading Algorithm . Highly profitable cryptocurrency trading model.
Access to both the backtesting strategy & indicator is paid - PM me for details.
Indicator does not repaint and has no discretionary approach - you can follow blindly and take advantage of the performance.
VPTbollfib & Camarilla (Danarilla)I do not own the original indicators. This is just a combination of the two because of their nature to work in a similar way.
Camarilla Pivots run on the basis of intraday range trading. Usually after daily open you look the fade whatever move happened before. by shorting R3/H3 levels or longing R3/L3. Targeting the other side of the range. This is the infamous PivotBoss level calculations and you would want to activate camarilla and turn off the normal pivots. They use the previous days volatility to plot the next days levels.
But what about some confirmation?
Well RafaelIzoni (who made it open source for improvement) threw together this VPTbollfib. It is volume price trend crossing down a fib line using bollinger bands as price envelope. The beauty of this is that It will signal usually counter to current price action based on selling into uptrends or vise versa. Meaning you get signals to counter price. Which is what you might be looking for on range day trade scalps for camarilla. A wick reversal or engulfing + volume based signal is a very happy pairing together. And those signals are usually suitable for the target of the range you are day trading. Hourly time frame works quite well for both. And camarilla should also be on daily settings.
Special Thanks to Nanda (who published the pivotboss indicator AND) Helped to merge the scripts together.
This indicator alone is an entire trade system. Camarilla already is. If you know the rules. it can be used for entries, exits, risk management to trade the range on TREND, COUNTER TREND, and BREAKOUT plays. The bollinger band fibs add confirmation to the trends levels. And the VPT adds a secondary confirmation to take a camarilla trade.
Try it out. I think you will find both the levels on camarilla and the VPT signals quite suprising.
Strategy Follow Line MTF Any MM AverageThe objective is only to evaluate different configurations of the indicator "Follow Line MTF Any MM Average".
The strategy does not have position management, it's very basic, this indicator should be used to see trend, range zones, evaluate the best areas to enter the market, use higher time frames to confirm a direction can be useful.
I do not recommend using only this indicator to trade, because you can lose all your money if you do not know what you are doing.
I hope you find it useful.
Takashi Bows Autopilot | 2nd Gen | [Strategy]This is a strategy tester for Takashi Bows Autopilot indicator. Please check for more details and instructions at our website.
Takashi Bows Autopilot is the ultimate trading tool. Effortless, its signals put traders inside strong trends, locking big profits that cover all loss generated during sideways trends.
An upgrade version of Takashi Bows v1, this script is the result of some operations developed by us, it can easily adapt to different markets and time frames. Now ranging from level 1 to 20, traders can select the amount of signals to be displayed on the chart. Based on price movement, it signals entries after strong movement up or down.
Take Profit included. If a position is opened in one direction, it should be closed at take profit levels or when a position in the opposite direction is opened.
Integer input. Sets a level for signals generated up and down. The higher the level, more signals on chart, and vice-versa.
Take Profit %
Float input. Sets a percent of take profit for exiting previous open position.
Float input. Sets a ruler for more accuracy on less volatile markets. Standard value 1 for high volatile markets, higher values for low volatile markets.
Back-tests do not guarantee performance on the future. Even if a trading setup is profitable in historical data. it could be unprofitable in the future.
To get access to this and other scripts check links below.
Simple Tops/Bottoms, [JackT]A percentage (pyramid) script for BTC/USD, Daily.
The script is following one simple rule:
- Percentage orders based on volume
This is a pyramid setup based on volume but I am handling each order manually which makes it a custom pyramid strategy.
Instead of doing 100% portfolio sell/buy orders this script focuses on the momentum of volume and calculates a percentage of the portfolio that should be traded.
The percentage rises with the level of continuous orders with the same type. This means that if a second sell order is emitted before any buy order the percentage to sell is gradually increased to be higher than the previous sell order. And vise verca with buy orders.
The calculation is exponential rising but it also makes sure that the trade rarely reaches 100%. This enables the script to stay in the market on almost all opportunties given by the indicators.
How to use
The script is created from 3 indicators including Lucid SAR which helps to indicate the major trend.
It is possible to change the settings of the script in order to change the outcome. The settings is fitted to work with BTC/USD and the same settings works somewhat okay with ETH/USD aswell. Though I would recommend to fit the settings to work better with other pairs.
As mentioned, the script focuses on volume , which mean that it works better with major coins.
Enjoy the script and please let me know your thoughts!
[Daveatt] BEST ABCD Pattern Strategy (Trailing SL + TP)Hello traders
This is the strategy version of my ABCD pattern. I added the Trailing Stop and Trailing Profit upon a follower request
I - Concept
I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, the first screener for harmonic patterns .
Starting with an ACBD pattern screener this time!!
I used the calculations from Ricardo Santo's script
In short, he's using fractals (regular or Bill Williams ) for the pattern calculations. A masterpiece !!!
II - Definitions
The ABCD pattern ( AB=CD ) is one of the classic chart patterns which is repeated over and over again.
The ABCD pattern shows perfect harmony between price and time.
The Williams Fractal is an indicator, developed by Bill Williams , that aims to detect reversal points (highs and lows) and marks them with arrows.
Up fractals and down fractals have specific shapes. The Williams Fractal indicator helps users determine in which direction price will develop
💎Strategy filters💎
I included some cool backtest filters:
- Trailing stop with trigger concept coming from this Trailing Stop Strategy
- Trailing profit with trigger coming from this Trailing Profit Strategy
Last words
It works for all asset classes (Forex, crypto, indices, etc...) and does not repaint
All the BEST
eha Moving Averages StrategyMoving Average based strategies are very popular ones among both long-term investors and short-term traders as they can be tailored to any time frame. One of the main moving average strategies are crossovers. The very simple type is a price crossover , which is when the price crosses above or below a moving average to signal a potential change in trend.
Another strategy is to apply two moving averages to a chart: one longer (or slow) and one shorter (or fast). When the shorter-term MA crosses above the longer-term MA, it's a buy signal, as it indicates that the trend is shifting up (also known as “ Golden Cross ”). Meanwhile, when the shorter-term MA crosses below the longer-term MA, it's a sell signal, as it indicates that the trend is shifting down (which is also known as “ Dead/Death Cross ”).
This is a study to find a suitable trading strategy for 4-6 hour time frames. As you can see the performance is currently very poor. It has just generated almost 90 trades in a very long period from January 2017 to the time of publishing the study for the first time.
Moving averages work quite well in strong trending conditions but poorly in choppy or ranging conditions. Adjusting the time frame can correct this problem temporarily, although, at some point, these issues are likely to occur regardless of the time frame chosen for the moving average(s).
I am working on this basic strategy to make its performance better and I will update the post in the future. So keep in touch by following the post.
Why have I republished my study?
It sounds like TradingView stores and indexes scripts based on the title of the post rather than the actual title of the scripts and if one chose general terms as the title of the post, the TradingView script search engine may be unable to find it. So I decided to repost the strategy with a more searchable and unique prefix of " eha ".
Please provide me with your precious feedback.
Combo Strategy 123 Reversal & ECO This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
We call this one the ECO for short, but it will be listed on the indicator list
at W. Blau’s Ergodic Candlestick Oscillator. The ECO is a momentum indicator.
It is based on candlestick bars, and takes into account the size and direction
of the candlestick "body". We have found it to be a very good momentum indicator,
and especially smooth, because it is unaffected by gaps in price, unlike many other
momentum indicators.
We like to use this indicator as an additional trend confirmation tool, or as an
alternate trend definition tool, in place of a weekly indicator. The simplest way
of using the indicator is simply to define the trend based on which side of the "0"
line the indicator is located on. If the indicator is above "0", then the trend is up.
If the indicator is below "0" then the trend is down. You can add an additional
qualifier by noting the "slope" of the indicator, and the crossing points of the slow
and fast lines. Some like to use the slope alone to define trend direction. If the
lines are sloping upward, the trend is up. Alternately, if the lines are sloping
downward, the trend is down. In this view, the point where the lines "cross" is the
point where the trend changes.
When the ECO is below the "0" line, the trend is down, and we are qualified only to
sell on new short signals from the Hi-Lo Activator. In other words, when the ECO is
above 0, we are not allowed to take short signals, and when the ECO is below 0, we
are not allowed to take long signals.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
this is my new strategy for USOIL WTI!
It works in Daily chart, so you need just a few seconds per day to work with it, very short time to get nice profit!
Stop Loss is set in 500 pips, Take Profit in 600 pips, but for OANDA TP 6.000 and SL 5.000.
The backtest started 36 years ago, so the equity is very solid!
I used 1.000$ as initial capital, and 30 contracts per trade, getting 18% of income per year, and a Max DD of 30% only.
Ask for a free trial, and check by yourself what income whould have been generated investin 100% of the equity!!
Enjoy your wallet!
this is a brand new strategy for USOIL, WTI.
It works on daily chart, so basically you can watch it just a few seconds per day. Not much time, but consistent profit.
Stop Loss is set on 500 pips, Take Profit on 600 pips, for USOIL on TVC, if you prefer OANDA set 5.000 and 6.000 pips each.
This strategy has been backtested since 1983, almost 36 years, and had nice results, 18% return per year and Max DD 30% with initial capital 1.000$ and 30 contracts size per trade.
Ask for a free trial to enjoy! And look yourself how much whould have been the profit using 100% of the equity!
Enjoy your wallet!