Number Formatting Indian/USA

This is a Pine script that helps traders format numbers in different ways to make it easier to read and display big numbers on TradingView.

this script is specifically to help other fellow pinecoder. Its not a indicator.

The above code is an example of how to format numbers in TradingView using two different formats: Indian and USA. The code defines a function called `formatNumber()` which takes two arguments: num (the number to format) and format (the format to use - either "Indian" or "USA").

If the "Indian" format is selected, the function rounds the number to the nearest crore, lakh or thousand and adds the appropriate suffix (i.e. "Cr", "Lac" or "K"). If the "USA" format is selected, the function rounds the number to the nearest billion, million or thousand and adds the appropriate suffix (i.e. "B", "M" or "K").

In both cases, the function then adds commas to the formatted number. The example usage shows how to call the `formatNumber()` function with a given number and format, and then plot the formatted number as a label on the chart.
