

niquedegraaff 업데이트됨   
Library "Pivot"
This library helps you store and manage pivots.

bias(isHigh, isHigher, prevWasHigher)
  Helper function to calculate bias.
    isHigh (bool): (bool) Wether the pivot is a pivot high or not.
    isHigher (bool): (bool) Wether the pivot is a higher pivot or not.
@return (bool) The bias (true = bullish, false = bearish, na = neutral).
    prevWasHigher (bool)

    bias (bool)

biasToColor(bias, theme)
    bias (bool)
    theme (Theme)

nameString(isHigh, isHigher)
    isHigh (bool)
    isHigher (bool)

abbrString(isHigh, isHigher)
    isHigh (bool)
    isHigher (bool)

tooltipString(y, isHigh, isHigher, bias, theme)
    y (float)
    isHigh (bool)
    isHigher (bool)
    bias (bool)
    theme (Theme)

createLabel(x, y, isHigh, isHigher, prevWasHigher, settings)
    x (int)
    y (float)
    isHigh (bool)
    isHigher (bool)
    prevWasHigher (bool)
    settings (Settings)

new(x, y, isHigh, isHigher, settings)
    x (int)
    y (float)
    isHigh (bool)
    isHigher (bool)
    settings (Settings)

newArray(size, initialValue)
    size (int)
    initialValue (Pivot)

method getFirst(this)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)

method getLast(this, isHigh)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    isHigh (bool)

method getLastHigh(this)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)

method getLastLow(this)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)

method getPrev(this, numBack, isHigh)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    numBack (int)
    isHigh (bool)

method getPrevHigh(this, numBack)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    numBack (int)

method getPrevLow(this, numBack)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    numBack (int)

method getText(this)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)

method setX(this, value)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    value (int)

method setY(this, value)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    value (float)

method setXY(this, x, y)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    x (int)
    y (float)

method setBias(this, value)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    value (int)

method setColor(this, value)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    value (color)

method setText(this, value)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    value (string)

method add(this, pivot)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    pivot (Pivot)

method updateLast(this, y, settings)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    y (float)
    settings (Settings)

method update(this, y, isHigh, settings)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    y (float)
    isHigh (bool)
    settings (Settings)

  Stores Pivot data.
    x (series int)
    y (series float)
    isHigh (series bool)
    isHigher (series bool)
    bias (series bool)
    lb (series label)

  Attributes for customizable look and feel.
    size (series string)
    colorDefault (series color)
    colorNeutral (series color)
    colorBullish (series color)
    colorBearish (series color)
    colored (series bool)
    showTooltips (series bool)
    showTooltipName (series bool)
    showTooltipValue (series bool)
    showTooltipBias (series bool)

  All settings for the pivot.
    theme (Theme)
릴리즈 노트:
v2 | Added a new biasToColor function that sets returns colors based of given attributes. And added a new biasToColor wrapper function for Theme.

biasToColor(bias, theme)
Helper function that converts bias to color from theme.
bias (bool): (bool) The bias.
neutral (color): (bool) The neutral color.
bullish (color): (bool) The bullish color.
bearish (color): (bool) The bearish color.
릴리즈 노트:
v3 | Fixed bug where we would check for wrong conditions to update existing pivot or create a new one.

method updateLast(this, y, isHigh, settings)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    y (float)
    isHigh (bool)
    settings (Settings)
릴리즈 노트:
v4: Fixes custom theme input not being respected for tooltip display and colored pivot text.

method generateName(this, abbr)
  Generates a name string for the this pivot.
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot): (Pivot) The Pivot.
    abbr (bool): (bool) Wether to create abbreviation. (optional, default is false)
@return (string) The name string.

method calculateBias(this, prevWasHigher)
  Calculates bias for this Pivot.
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot): (Pivot) The Pivot.
    prevWasHigher (bool): (bool) Wether the previous pivot is a higher pivot or not.
@return (bool) The bias (true = bullish, false = bearish, na = neutral).

method generateTooltips(this, theme)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    theme (Theme)

newPivot(x, y, isHigh, isHigher, settings)
    x (int)
    y (float)
    isHigh (bool)
    isHigher (bool)
    settings (Settings)

  Helper function that converts bias to string.
    bias (bool): (bool) The bias.
@return (string) The bias string.

method biasToColor(this, theme)
  Helper function that converts bias to color.
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    theme (Theme): (theme) The theme.
@return (color) The color that belongs to the bias derived from the Theme.

method createLabel(this, settings)
  Namespace types: Pivot
    this (Pivot)
    settings (Settings)

new(size, initialValue)
    size (int)
    initialValue (Pivot)

bias(isHigh, isHigher, prevWasHigher)
  Helper function to calculate bias.

nameString(isHigh, isHigher)

abbrString(isHigh, isHigher)

tooltipString(y, isHigh, isHigher, bias, theme)

newArray(size, initialValue)
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