

Library "CommonTypesMath"
Provides a common library source for common types of useful mathematical structures.
Includes: `complex, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Quaternion, Segment2, Segment3, Pole, Plane, M32, M44`

  Representation of a Complex Number, a complex number `z` is a number in the form `z = x + yi`,
    re: Real part of the complex number.
    im: Imaginary part of the complex number.

  Representation of a two dimentional vector with components `(x:float,y:float)`.
    x: Coordinate `x` of the vector.
    y: Coordinate `y` of the vector.

  Representation of a three dimentional vector with components `(x:float,y:float,z:float)`.
    x: Coordinate `x` of the vector.
    y: Coordinate `y` of the vector.
    z: Coordinate `z` of the vector.

  Representation of a four dimentional vector with components `(x:float,y:float,z:float,w:float)`.
    x: Coordinate `x` of the vector.
    y: Coordinate `y` of the vector.
    z: Coordinate `z` of the vector.
    w: Coordinate `w` of the vector.

  Representation of a four dimentional vector with components `(x:float,y:float,z:float,w:float)`.
    x: Coordinate `x` of the vector.
    y: Coordinate `y` of the vector.
    z: Coordinate `z` of the vector.
    w: Coordinate `w` of the vector, specifies the rotation component.

  Representation of a line in two dimentional space.
    origin: Origin coordinates.
    target: Target coordinates.

  Representation of a line in three dimentional space.
    origin: Origin coordinates.
    target: Target coordinates.

  Representation of polar coordinates `(radius:float,angle:float)`.
    radius: Radius of the pole.
    angle: Angle in radians of the pole.

  Representation of a 3D plane.
    normal: Normal vector of the plane.
    distance: Distance of the plane along its normal from the origin.

  Representation of a 3x2 matrix.
    m11: First element of the first row.
    m12: Second element of the first row.
    m21: First element of the second row.
    m22: Second element of the second row.
    m31: First element of the third row.
    m32: Second element of the third row.

  Representation of a 4x4 matrix.
    m11: First element of the first row.
    m12: Second element of the first row.
    m13: Third element of the first row.
    m14: fourth element of the first row.
    m21: First element of the second row.
    m22: Second element of the second row.
    m23: Third element of the second row.
    m24: fourth element of the second row.
    m31: First element of the third row.
    m32: Second element of the third row.
    m33: Third element of the third row.
    m34: fourth element of the third row.
    m41: First element of the fourth row.
    m42: Second element of the fourth row.
    m43: Third element of the fourth row.
    m44: fourth element of the fourth row.
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