I looked for this indicator in the public library and didn't find it so I thought I would offer it to anyone who felt like they would like to try it out. Frankly, the name caught my attention in one of my favorite books on volume "The Traders Book of Volume" by Mark Leibovit
"Created by Richard Arms Jr. and explained in an article he penned for Barrons's in 1998, it combines the daily spread of a stock or index and divides the daily volume by that number to see how many shares it needs to trade in order to move the issue through one point of its daily spread. This is usually considered a broad market indicator, but is useful for individual issues as well. On a historical basis more volume is required in order to generate a wider price swing at tops, while the opposite is true at bottoms. This is explained by the emotions of greed and fear. At tops there is complacency which requires ever greater volume to get prices to swing in wider ranges, while at bottoms fear can cause greater swings on relatively lower volume."
--The Traders Book of Volume, by Mark Leibovit

This indicator is useful at identifying divergences and trend confirmation. It is also effective in shorter time-frames as well as much longer time frames. The original formula does not use any smoothing, but I have included it as I feel it dulls some of the shorter term sharp turns inherent in this indicator. There is also no adjustment to the length of Richard Arms' original, so I include it in case you feel you need to 'play' with the settings. I hope you all find it useful. Good trading all,
오픈 소스 스크립트

이 스크립트의 오써는 참된 트레이딩뷰의 스피릿으로 이 스크립트를 오픈소스로 퍼블리쉬하여 트레이더들로 하여금 이해 및 검증할 수 있도록 하였습니다. 오써를 응원합니다! 스크립트를 무료로 쓸 수 있지만, 다른 퍼블리케이션에서 이 코드를 재사용하는 것은 하우스룰을 따릅니다. 님은 즐겨찾기로 이 스크립트를 차트에서 쓸 수 있습니다.


이 정보와 게시물은 TradingView에서 제공하거나 보증하는 금융, 투자, 거래 또는 기타 유형의 조언이나 권고 사항을 의미하거나 구성하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 이용 약관을 참고하세요.

차트에 이 스크립트를 사용하시겠습니까?
// "Created by Richard Arms Jr. and explained in an article he penned for Barrons's in 1998, it combines the daily spread of a stock or index and 
// divides the daily volume by that number to see how many shares it needs to trade in order to move the issue through one point of its daily spread.
// This is usually considered a broad market indicator, but is useful for individual issues as well.  On a historical basis more volume is required in 
// order to generate a wider price swing at tops, while the opposite is true at bottoms.  This is explained by the emotions of greed and fear.  At tops
// there is complacency which requires ever greater volume to get prices to swing in wider ranges, while at bottoms fear can cause greater swings on 
// relatively lower volume."  
//     --The Traders Book of Volume, by Mark Leibovit
// This indicator is useful at identifying divergences and trend confirmation.  It is also effective in shorter time-frames as well as much longer time frames.
// The original formula does not use any smoothing, but I have included it as I feel it dulls some of the shorter term sharp turns inherent in this indicator.
// There is also no adjustment to the length of Richard Arms' original, so I include it in case you feel you need to 'play' with the settings.
study("YOYO index", shorttitle="YOYO", precision=0, overlay=false)
sm    = input(false,title="Smooth?")
ln    = input(10, title="Length",defval=10, minval=5)
yoyo  = sum((volume/1000)/((high-low)/high),ln)/ln
yo_ma = sm?ema(yoyo,3):yoyo
plot(yo_ma,color=teal, transp=0, linewidth=2, title="YOYO Index")