Library "AGbayLIB"
Changes the timeframe period to the given period and returns the data matrix[cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute_, csecond, cfulltime, copen, cclose, chigh, clow, cvolume] and sets the timeframe to the active time period
getTimeFrameValues(active_period_, period_, max_bars_)
: add function description here
active_period_ (string): Current time frame period to be set after getting period_ data
period_ (string): Target time period for returning data
max_bars_ (int): The historical bar count to be get
Returns: An array of data_row type with size of max_bars_ which includes rows of data: [year, month, day, hour, minute_, second, fulltime, open, close, high, clow, volume]
year (series__integer)
month (series__integer)
day (series__integer)
hour (series__integer)
minute (series__integer)
second (series__integer)
fulltime (series__string)
open (series__float)
close (series__float)
high (series__float)
low (series__float)
volume (series__float)