K's Reversal Indicator III is based on the concept of autocorrelation of returns. The main theory is that extreme autocorrelation (trending) that coincide with a technical signals such as one from the RSI, may result in a powerful short-term signal that can be exploited.
The indicator is calculated as follows:
1. Calculate the price differential (returns) as the current price minus the previous price. 2. the correlation between the current return and the return from 14 periods ago using a lookback of 14 periods. 3. Calculate a 14-period RSI on the close prices.
To generate the signals, use the following rules:
* A bullish signal is generated whenever the correlation is above 0.60 while the RSI is below 40. * A bearish signal is generated whenever the correlation is above 0.60 while the RSI is above 60.
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