
ZKSUSDT :// swaps for under 1 usd n easy 2 U3e like ur rite hand

swapn on zks n (anything under 3 is, as tony the tiger says "grEEEAAAAaaaat

UNI looks like one more dip before everyone realizes the founders and their homies r buying as mutch uniswap as possible b4 v3 layer 2.o is fully activated.

SUSHI has a huge promotional LP thang goi)ng on on multiple platforms including ZKS and is becoming a cross chain liquidity type deal also YFI is about to pump if not already''

SNX n ren look strong and 1inch is going to retrace a bit b4 we see the 6.50 again.

KEEP IN MIND THIS VISA ETH NEWS TODAY IS HUGEEEEE combined with people realizing layer 2 is real and possible to trade on. VISA filed a patant naming eth as the web three platform for multiple payment systems or most importantly fiat on n off ramps into crypto _viisa is getting permission etc etc to run with a stable coin i believe usdc

the amount of traffic on eth internet web 3 will 100x next 6 months to 1 year,,,, pick ur spots_never be scared to take profits or buy dips _ always push ur level to understand something new in this sapce and get out there and interact with this world,.,,,,, build land play on layer 2 get into nft s whatever just get out side ur comfort zone n get out there.... that or just buy eth btc n some cel ada algo zks matic vet trustswap 1inch uni avax dmst ramp stmx and or whatever floats ur boat. at this point in the game i would suggest not grabn that many positions rite away. they need to slowly develope _ like ue golf shot or learning how to jerk off with ur left hand.... same same just takes time.

be safe trade safe ish n get out there ya all



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