
Long term Investment

Kalau tengok chart hx, every year this company akan bg kita ~20% increament + dividen.

Tapi for the past 2 years, chart dia jd haywire jap. maybe sbb covid kot.

Kalau tgk dah skrg dah smpi support level utk yearly. sangat2 low risk utk jatuh bawah dr rm 4.4
Kalau korang beli pada area rm 4.5~ this price should be good bargain. sbb risk yg tggl hanye lah <4%. potential gain utk this year up to 20-40%

ni satu lagi support point utk kenape ak cakap this co is a low risk co.

tgk byk mana dah EPF and Co Treasury buy this stock


so i think, this will be a good bargain for long term investment .

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