
Just some encouragement

Hey friends. Have you ever seen a coin more manipulated, more scrutinized, more tried by fire than XRP? I think not. Let me be an encouragement to all of you. I have been following and investing in XRP for years. I have been through all the ups and downs. I am still invested because I believe the technology is priceless. I constantly follow Ripple's movements and I am assured that XRP will have better days. Much better days! I don't know what the final price of XRP will be. I really could care less about market cap, and I believe one day XRP will be in the thousands. Whoever is suppressing the price does not want you to hold. They need every single XRP for what they are going to use it for. My predictions are as follows:

- XRP moves to $1.80 and sees a massive sell off
- XRP moves to $25 and sees another massive sell off
- XRP moves to a price that cannot be touched by retail

Keep your heads up! If your in financial struggles and you need to sell something, sell your other crypto investments first before XRP. Also, never take anyone's word on what to invest in (including me). Do your own research! I can't stress that enough. I have done my DD on XRP. I am confident in my investment.

With regards to some of the charts I post, we all know XRP is manipulated by dropping Bitcoin. I know the charts are useless, but I like looking at them anyway. XRP started moving along the black arrow I posted the other day, and sure enough, boom...Bitcoin drops! They determine the time frame. They will flip the switch when ready. My guess for a timeline is as follows:

- Midterm elections: before this happens I believe the Biden admin will announce a plan to wipe out all debt. Our government wants complete control. People are hurting so badly right now, and the thought of no debt will cause them to go along with this. Its called a reset. Dont think it wont happen, we just saw a test run with college students. If the Biden admin doesn't do it, then Trump will come in as the "hero". They are all working together in my opinion...crooks.

- Following the erasing of all debt (uncle sam now owns everything you own), we will see a new banking system (XRP), which is already in place.

-They have been using massive inflation and corona virus to suppress the American people in preparation for this.

So, you may think Im a conspiracy theorist, or maybe I got your wheels turning. Either way, know what you hold and keep smiling.

I do have to say that this is not financial advice. It is my personal opinion based on observation. Please trade responsibly!


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