
Vid will go parabolic

Vid will go parabolic. I have been watching this coin since from ICO.
There is no big news announcement yet but the chart is going parabolic.
Why? Because there is big news coming. Are you looking for 100 times coin? This is it.
Found by Halsey Minor who's looking for his 7th unicorn company after CNET, uphold and salesforce.com
VID is similar to Theta but without publishers having to buy tokens and u pay with cards just like AWS.
Crypto sleeper project up over 350% last month and up 25% today. Reason is the simple, the old days are over. #VideoCoin uses the Blockchain to completely revamp the way you create, store, encode and distribute your content. News coming UNI pool, partnerships + more
I told you guys. Do not say I didn't


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