
WTI update for 16 March 2020

Daily Data Summary Suggests:

Current Daily Trend (price relationship to the trend MA) is Bearish
The price relationship to the moving averages currently suggest Short positions.
Current chart score suggests that Bearish Sentiment is present.
The anticipated upcoming trade range is between 24.48 - 28.71
Price Consolidation has formed between: 27.40 - 41.51
If WTI is capable of maintaining the current strength as of today, the projection generated from the daily chart is a target price of 25.11 - 25.54

The prices have moved 4.14 times the normal trade range from Trend Moving Average, a stall/decline may occur to return to the average.
The RSI that monitors bullish strength has a current daily reading of: Bearish
The RSI that monitors bearish strength has a current daily reading of: Bearish
The strength demonstrated over the last 5 days is currently: Bearish

Volatility has broadened the STD DEV values. The daily ATR is now averaging 3.21 points a day during the last 21 days.

STD DEV for March 17: 20.74 - 36.68

** If data does not significantly change between trade dates, a daily update may be skipped. Monthly and Weekly updates will always be provided. **


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