Uber Technologies, Inc.

12/5/24 - $uber - Aping on the 2027 $60 calls.

12/5/24 :: VROCKSTAR :: PLTR
Aping on the 2027 $60 calls.

- stock acting like the united healthcare CEO got whacked by one of their drivers and we're all about to find out. too soon?

- at 7 bn FCF generation on 143 bn EV... that's 5% yield, grows 15-20% a year (FCF gen). we're already in value territory, the question is what's the reason for this wicked wick.

is it...

A) the market AI didn't "pick" Uber today to go up?

B) something regulation related... e.g. look at TSLA today and the robo taxi narrative (btw short some TSLA today but i won't post about that one bc/ it's a hedge only)

C) something we're about to find out?


i'd have to put my chips on C even tho the obvious question then is "why u buy today V"? simply put, i'm doing ITM and LEAP duration. this allows me to get enough exposure to care, but allows (again) more notional flexibility to adjust this strike lower, or go larger in ST stuff if/when we do have a further wick lower and capture some money without doing this with my tail between my legs.

액티브 트레이드
all in.

ST calls, MT calls, LT calls.

position currently needs to be VERY closely managed by me, but i'm nearly 100% gross exposure here. (i'm also massively short other stuff e.g. PLTR, some TSLA, tons of SG etc.) so i have a ton of gross here on the book. still riding 30% cash. need to play carefully. will probs update position thinking into YE and '25 plays.

be safe out there. remember...

investing is first and foremost about risk management. the gains will follow.



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