
TSLA - Tread carefully there's a Soufflé cooking

Tesla and it's deranged, degenerate SkyNet Cult of Software(s)
embrace full Autonomy and Robotics.

Elon's latest Pimp Fest - iRobot.

Fanbois lose their minds while science asks a number of very
rationale questions as to what, in fact, is going on here.

Who designs a robot in human form for "Specific Tasks" ?

Will Smith would be proud.

A "Car Company" that makes... Robots.

Tesla's very real world advantage is Software / AI and not hardware.

Neural Networks, D1 Chips - Tesla is exponentially ahead of tis competitors.

Self Driving to their credit is far and away the most advanced in the
world. The larger integration is Robotics.... Elon said so.

Robots on wheels...

Tesla.Bot the future.

"It will be able to due tasks that are repetitive, dangerous or boring."

Lol, what's left for Humans to do...

Not much, enjoy your leisure time while suckling at the teet of UBI.

Ergonomics be damned.

Pop Culture, adores humanoid robots, Boston Dynamics, not so much so.

Dishwashers, Vacuums, Car Washes... autonomous systems... not so much so.

Adaptation, Rapid integration = Tesla.

Tesla - less need for you.

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