Short-term Considering the economy rise in general, TOM will continue it's way up to +-16.50, at least in as long as general economical situation will remain the same. By looking at the recent trend of TOM, the reach of 16.50 may take longer than initially expected, but in reality it may perform even better than planned, considering the New Year boost, which comes very soon.
Mid-term Speaking about the mid-term, the new e-cars market will add value, which is being strongly supported by the ecological initiatives and massive investments.
Very long-term Many other stocks have skyrocketed after the lockdowns, and it may seem as if the current price is of TOM is also away higher than it should be if there was no COVID. In fact, he white line in the chart, is a global trend of TOM for the whole period available. This trend fits perfectly the prices of today, which means that the price level is at a quite safe level.
Other factors Technological innovation, demand in mobility and ecological concerns/investments, are making the current price level pretty much realistic, or even under-evaluated. Forecasts of housing prices in Europe are very bullish in the coming 1-3 years, which can be quite a reason to believe that current global trends will continues as well within the mentioned period.
Summary TOM is being traded at a realistic price level, or even underestimated. Both factors + global bully trend + tech demand + ecology = will keep rising the TOM value as well as many others on the market.
Forecast TOM will reach 16.50 withing this year or earlier.