
Fed broke there Printing machine... wont be long now..

I have adjusted from my previous chart slightly.... Bulls have been slowly trying to creep higher but even with divine intervention (Stimulus) its been a struggle.. It may go a little higher.. but this is about to crack and if it doesn't... well Ladies and Fellars we have a much bigger problem on our hands and it won't be pretty....

When you consider the price moving up or down, consider the exponential growth each day of virus deaths, as reality starts hitting home, your small business or neighbors, family, or friends small business face potential doom. Companies potentially without revenue for months.....Companies future sales potentially filling up 6 months out below cost, just to keep lights on today....

Has anyone asked themselves how anything in hospitality in moving up in the markets??? People have lost a lot of money/jobs, etc. I guess they we all assume people will take there small stimulus money and blow it on a cruise or flight that is shut down, since they have nothing but free time without a job. I hate being negative and betting against the market. But ignoring reality can only last so long...

Good luck everyone... Let me know your thoughts, do you agree/disagree?


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