Big move today!
First taking EQL liquidity and then deliver price through buy side liquidity.
How did I know it will happen if I don't know what macroeconomic numbers we will get?
Liquidity is the answer.
If there are more retail traders in bullish positions, market makers will move price down.
If there are more retail traders in bearish positions, market makers will move price up.
This works regardless of the market you are trading, the news that is, or the data that is presented.
News, the economic calendar and earnings report are just volatility to take sell side and buy side liquidity.
So the next time you are questioning yourself why the price went down, when GDP numbers went up, the answer will be just liquidity.
Question yourself of what you have been taught of technical analysis is really what it works, if that "double top" or "geometric bullish figure" will work if 95% of traders are looking the same thing.


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