[SPX] Treasure Map Worth It's Weight in GOLD.. X Marks the SPOT!
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Wow, just wanted to update the Treasure Map for you guys so you could follow along to the bottom B).
26th market turn (magenta box) was dead on!
That horizontal downchannel S/R (orange) converging with the 5Y uptrend (yellow) proved to be quite strong here too.
Price gapped down from downchannel S/R (gray) to exactly under this point. It was always there, you just gotta know how to look for it!
Anyway, we got a single 2H candle meltdown through the gap, which is just beautiful, before finally coming to rest on another downchannel S/R just below a weak horizontal downchannel S/R.
Despite it's weakness, it is the strongest other S/R nearby so breaking under this even a little is a pretty bearish last tip of the hat at EOD. I would definitely expect a retest of 3300 but man it could just keep melting too. After today's dramatic movement I don't think much can stop it from continuing on down for another few days.
Right now we're lookin at the green lines, light blue and magenta. I don't know if we'll see my 3k green circle but 3180 is definitely likely.
Election day is the biggest stock market wild card in a century! Expect chaos.
Trump trying to get Supreme Court to confirm him before all eligible votes are counted, mother fckin Brett already jumped onboard this constitutional nightmare of a scenario. T already tried to fck with the Post Office to TRY to ensure that a large portion of eligible ballots WOULD get delayed and not counted with this clearly being all part of his scheme. Luckily that fraud was identified and squashed early.
His blatantly corrupt plan of winning via Election Fraud is now crystal clear (he dismantled the commission overseeing that too btw as well as the Government Ethics Office, while you weren't paying attention for good measure lol).
Just watch astroturfing documentary, they're throwing the playbook at American Democracy and it aint over yet folks!
Thankfully people are taking this threat seriously and voting early. The long voting lines every day are saddest tragedy of our democracy... next to lifetime SC appointments.
What a giant pile of poop on the ideals of government by the people... who have the most time, who have the most money, who have the easiest access to transportation, *insert laundry list*.