Reverse Repurchases are a clear indication of excess liquidity in the
Banking / Financial System.

Money Center Banks have monies in excess after meeting obligations
to the following:




An increase in the Reverse Repurchase activity will decrease the money supply.
Reverse Repurchases mean that commercial banks are provided more incentives
to park their funds with the Central Bank - decreasing the supply of money in the market.

RRA's soak up excess Liquidity.

As we can see they have broken Trends should be expected as CASH is within
Overnight Reverse Repo Facilities @ 500Billion assist in providing support for
overnight interest rates by acting as an alternative investment for a broad base of
money market investors when rates fall below the interest on reserve balances.

This is facility is not for public consumption, but Primary Broker / Dealers and
Money Center Banks and Financial Institutions.

Chart PatternsFundamental AnalysisreversereporeverserepurchaseTrend Analysis
