Small cap company with good sales and profit growth on yearly basis:
Fundamental key points : The fundamental analysis involved different aspect of company from top line to bottom line items, cash flow, financial ratio, order books, etc.
This analysis based on simple ratio and past growth figure for better understanding.
- Price/Book Value : 2.25 = It means share is trading at 2.25 times from book value, BV = Rs.72 v/s CMP = Rs 160 : Lower the better
- P/E : 7.72 = It means how much price you are paying to company for its earnings per share (P = Rs.160 , No of Share = 2.10 crores, Earning = Rs ? - Plz calculate)
Lower the better, as per industry norm less than 15 is considered as favourable/undervalue but also depend on industry to industry.
- 3 Years Net Sales CAGR : +100 % = in simple term sales compounding : Higher the better
- 3 Year Profit CAGR : +100 % = in simple term profit compounding : Higher the better
- 1 Year ROE : 50% = in simple term Return of investment : Higher the better
- additional to this please also refer current ratio (more than 2 is consider favourable) , debt/equity (less than 1 is consider favourable), ROCE% (Higher the better).
Technical key points : - price at resistance level , RSI positive , volume build-up
Disclaimer : Analysis for learning purpose only not any kind of recommendation !!
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