
NVDA Earnings - update

Nothing earth shattering here on predictions, analysts say the price target is $600. Keep in mind, it was above that level already, so there is a possibility it runs past that. My play was buy the Apr $570 call, sell the $600 call against it to trim off the IV drop that will happen tomorrow. Also caps my upside, but its definitely a long play. You could also sell put spreads or buy regular call spreads. A perfect scenario for my play is for it to open below $600, have the IV crush on the option price, I can buy it back for next to nothing and then the stock climbs through the day and my longer term option continues to gain.

Worst case, stock goes down. I keep money I sold the short call for and decide what to do with my long option from there.

Nvidia as I mentioned before, cant make enough video cards. All of their partners cant make enough partners with their chips. They are selling for 2x retail by scalpers and I'm seeing that secondary market price go up as well, because I'm trying to find a couple more cards myself. I dont normally buy a call for earnings, but after the selloff we had in the market recently, I think this is a nice place to enter long for this stock.


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