
NDX , nasdaq 100. Bigger picture

NASDAQ:NDX   나스닥 100 인덱스
Headed back to its primary around 9k . Last 2 times it has bounced off its prior resistance now turned support; I don't think the 3rd bounce will happen. It's inevitable, seriously! May happen later this year or early next year but IMO the last drop will happen..

Look at that parabolic breakout of 2020; that was unnatural move motivated by 0 rates ,QE , and Massive printing by the Federal reserve.
Only the continuation of those 2020 policies could maintain that breakout.

Some price targets I have

Tsla - 60
Nvda - 80
Msft - 200
Apple- 85
Nflx - 90
Amzn - 50

연관 아이디어


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