The Worst 3 months since 2008..!

This chart shows the rate of change in the past 3 months..!

The closet market performance in 3 months was Oct-Dec 2018 with a -17% return..!

The question is how would it continue?

Similar to 2008? or 2000?

the worst 3-month performance was -38.53 Sep-Nov 2000 and the second-worst was -36.68 Sep-Nov 2008, the 3rd on so far is Jan-March 2022.

What would be your choice?

A: 2008

B: 2000

C: None

Your answer/action would have a significant effect on your investment in the coming months..!

*This is a monthly chart, and we have another 14 trading days left..!


Dr . Moshkelgosha M.D


I’m not a certified financial planner/advisor, a certified financial analyst, an economist, a CPA, an accountant, or a lawyer. I’m not a finance professional through formal education. The contents on this site are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. I can’t promise that the information shared on my posts is appropriate for you or anyone else. By using this site, you agree to hold me harmless from any ramifications, financial or otherwise, that occur to you as a result of acting on information found on this site.

Chart PatternsmoshkelgoshanasdaqTrend Analysis
