
MATIC buyers are very weak

Idea: Short
Horizon: 1 month
Target 1: 0,8177
Target 2: 0,7761
Target 3: 0,6910
Potential of the idea: 58%
Stop order: $0,9708

Technical analysis
The structure is short-term and medium-term downward. By the movement of the price, it can be seen that the buyer is weakening the seller. The zone from which we expect a continuation of the asset’s depreciation is marked above. After touching the trend line, buyers tried to make an impulsive upward movement, but it can be seen that the seller still controls the situation. But most likely, shortists who enter at current prices will be knocked out and after this manipulation, it is worth looking for entry points in the marked zone.
The RR ratio when reaching Target 1: 1 to 2 After reaching Target 1, we advise moving the stop-loss to breakeven.
You can only enter after confirmation on younger time frames.

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