
2018 reversal as lit rises! Buy and hold for crazy profits

r1ceballzzz 업데이트됨   
The time to buy in is now. Lit coin is going to reverse for all time highs. The resistance is slowing lit back from all time highs. Let’s get big profits and stop aiming low. Lit is trying to push for all time highs, the only thing we can do now is buy in and wait. We can all profit big, leave the small fries for the ladies and score really big! This is for educational purposes only. Remember to give a thumbs up! #2018reversal #litcoinrisesagain
So far so good, we need to hit 185 mark to hit all time highs again.

이 정보와 게시물은 TradingView에서 제공하거나 보증하는 금융, 투자, 거래 또는 기타 유형의 조언이나 권고 사항을 의미하거나 구성하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 이용 약관을 참고하세요.