
The Rise And Fall Of Jasmy - 200 Million More Coins Added Today

Whether we trade daily, weekly or monthly then Jasmy dilution is a serious concern. Why?

Because dilution seriously affects price action movement and stretches the trading timeline.

Image a piece of string. The more you lengthen that piece of string, the slacker it becomes.

That's exactly what happens with dilution. The price become slack. The speed or progression of price movement slows down drastically.

The trading timeline can only recover once the slack is taken up.

Current estimates suggest that a minimum of 200 Million Jasmy are being put into circulation every month!

This is stopping Jasmy from gaining traction and growing at a normal rate.

Why should this concern traders?

Because the success of day, week and monthly trading of Jasmy is now totally unpredictable. It is based solely on the frequency and amount of Jasmy that is diluted.

It is like playing a rigged card or roulette table. Trading diluted crypto cannot be based on science anymore. Instead the odds are now stacked in the favor of the holders of Jasmy,

For this reason I hate dilution, and this is why I only trade crypto whose total supply is in circulation.


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