Icon is the most undervalued coin in crypto right now. Fundamentally everything about this project is set to explode. The staking rewards are amazing roughly 13%. You can stake on binance, iconfi, bithumb, and coinbase is definitely next!
Icon 2.0 is due for release soon. The amount of patnerships this company has is amazing. You have a couple defi projects releasing in the next two quaters, Balanced, OMM. There is also The Stakin Lossless Lottery which is focussed on betting the interests from staking instead of the principal. It is a global and borderless initiative making staking ICX a fun and potentially very rewarding experience.You can not look past this project fundamentally.
Now! looking at the chart analysis. Icon has been making higher highs and higher lows. I believe we could definitely see a retest 0.8c to $1. But long mid term we will see the $4-$5 mark in the coming month or two. Long long term we will hit all time highs. We will just have to be patient.
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