1 - What is ICP?

The Internet Computer is a blockchain project by the DFINITY Foundation which plans to extend the functionality of the public internet from a network that connects billions of people (via TCP/IP protocols) to a public compute platform that empowers millions of developers and entrepreneurs (via ICP protocol). The aim is to provide a revolutionary new way to build mass-market open internet services, pan-industry platforms, secure enterprise systems and websites, and DeFi, all without the need for legacy IT such as centralized cloud computing services, databases, and firewalls. Scalability is a huge problem for decentralized apps and smart contracts as seen with Ethereum. The Internet Computer project aims to address this problem by solving the scalability trilemma which is to maintain decentralization while solving the scalability issues for decentralized apps.

2 - What is the ICP token?

ICP is the utility token that powers the DFINITY Internet Computer network. Token holders can participate in governance and can be used to pay for computation units in the protocol by converting ICP tokens to cycles and canisters.

3 - Who Is The Founder of the Internet Computer?

Dominic Williams is the Founder and Chief Scientist of DFINITY. He is a crypto theoretician, responsible for inventing Threshold Relay, Probabilistic Slot Consensus, and other novel crypto techniques, serial entrepreneur, and early member of the Bitcoin and Ethereum technical communities. Previously, he was President and CTO of String Labs, an incubator for venture-backed crypto projects, early pioneer of DeFi at Mirror Labs, and Founder and CEO of Fight My Monster, a MMO game for children that scaled to millions of users. He also founded several startups such as System7, Airdocs and Smartdrivez. Graduated King's College London 1st in Class in Computer Science.

4 - What Does the ICP Token Do?
ICP are native utility tokens that play three key roles in the network:

Facilitating Network Governance ICP tokens can be locked to create neurons that participate in network governance by voting, through which they can earn economic rewards.

Production of Cycles for Compute ICP provides a source store of value that can be converted into “cycles,” which power computation in the role of fuel that is burned when it is used. The NNS converts ICP to cycles at a variable rate, so chosen to ensure users of the network can always create new cycles at approximately constant cost in real terms, such that the cost of acquiring fuel is predictable.

Rewarding Participants The network mints new ICP to reward and incentivize those playing important roles that enable the network to function, including: a) the provision of “voting rewards” to those participating in governance, b) the provision of “compute rewards” to those operating the node machines hosting the network, and c) other miscellaneous activities.

5 - What Do Cycles Do?
Cycles power computation in the role of fuel. They also have a constant value over the long-term, which contrasts with ICP, whose value will naturally vary over time. Moreover, Cycles will be pegged to the SDR, which is a logical currency unit defined by the International Monetary Fund, and 1 SDR worth of ICP can be converted into exactly one trillion Cycles to power computation.

6 - What Do Neurons Do?
A neuron locks a balance of ICP utility tokens and enables its owner to participate in network governance, through which they can earn “voting rewards”.

7 - The price reached 4 times is support and starts up again.

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