TVC:GOLD   골드 (US$ / OZ) CFDs
Novice money is highly aggregated to the buy sight while Managed money is aggregated to the downside. If I was on the DESK I was going to run the market high Asian Open, Hang around in range waiting for London then run in back down to opening range, trapping everyone who went long then New York I'll convince you that I'm long and give you hope and get those who are on FOMO then reverse and continue downward till all my contracts are balanced then close on reverse midpoint just when you think your late sell will pay and take you for overnight fee and commission.

I dont look for home runs or snippers but I'm a PIP PIGGY BANK..Lets treat trading as a BUSINESS AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PLAN YOU DONT HAVE A TRADE BUT PAIR OF DICE.

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