So, i'm going to comment some more; because i like pretending to be an 'expert' (there are none in actuality, and if you subscribe, it's because they've pretended so well)...
Anyhow, Congress has passed another 'stimulus' bill, i.e. more deficits, and more have to understand something: these politicians are seriously deficient in their abilities - but they make it seem otherwise (it's called a lie).
Politicians are constantly told by their 'experts' to grow the economy past the deficits and debt (but, they can never achieve the desired results in actuality - little wonder why?). But, their 'experts' are lying to them (politicians are already dishonest, by way of needing to be liked the most, and the democratic-system itself - free-voting) the 'experts' don't actually know what they're doing - it's all a game of pretend (who plays a game of pretend? - some children, more than others).
They need to reign in non-essential spending, and return it to the tax-payers in a form of tax-relief; the Democrats did the exact opposite. The US economy cannot rely on government
spending for the purposes of GDP. It is a bogus assumption by the economists - they depend on the ignorance of the masses to confirm the lie (herd mentality). On paper you can say the GDP is 'growing', but the standard of living is declining, via inflation (change in the exchange rate), rising crime (higher inequality, and unmitigated aggression), unlimited migration (free votes for Democrats), low education standards (union power & obstinance), fake-news (dishonest journalists making too little, Leftist ideology), you-name-it etc.