
Big Crash is coooooooming sooner than You think . . . . . . . .

DJ:DJI   다우 존스 인더스트리얼 애버리지 인덱스
I think the 9year Bull Run is over now. Low volitality on the stock market shows weeknes. That was one of the most incredible Bull run of the markets and it ic cooming to end, if I do not make mistake it was 107 months without major correction.
Good information comming the end, very week $ almost from the last year in correction, US budget < 0, increase number of unemployee, and
much more bad iformation cooming from the markets. I think it was began, and money from indicies will flow in to the Cryptocurrency market whose is gooing to the end of major correction. But this is only my point of wiev. God luck :)

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