
DANGER: Global financial chaos looms, next week (educational).

NYSE:DB   Deutsche Bank AG
This is a brief educational post, that is meant as a heads up for sensible traders. They would wish to be aware of systemic risks approaching if Deutsche Bank collapses finally. This is likened to the Lehman Brothers fiasco of a few years ago, but it could be much bigger. I'm sharing this information based on reliable hard data available freely on the internet. DYOR.

It's better to be prepared - and nothing happens, than not prepared and your world turns into chaos.

The financial world is far more hooked up globally than around 2008 with the advent since, of superfast internet connections. The speed at which shockwaves may travel, would likely be hundreds of times faster than in 2008. So a 'flap of a butterfly's wings' in one financial corner of the planet could cause 'hurricanes' thousands of miles away in other corners of the world - like you never imagined before (concepts applied from Chaos Theory).

Nothing here is predictive. I never do predictions. I deal only in probabilities.

Appropriate seeding non-promotional references:
1. Lehman Brothers story
2. Deutsche Bank - recent events

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, even if so construed. Should you come to be influenced by this brief screencast, know that your losses are your own. In simple terms no liabilities accepted by me. You'd just have to sue yourself.

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