DAX 인덱스

24-12-17 Dax: Dax the "Max" (20 337 EUR)

DAX40 one of the most import Index beneath MSCI, SPX und DJIA und Nikkei.
German economy leads the european economy. For shure, the DAX has not the performance like an SPX. But the 2024 rise is very impressive. And if I look, what germans politicians did the last years and also actually, i am still stunning what real economy does. But overall, big tasks ahead. And at the moment,no signs for a radical new direction for all these companies in Germany:
Less regulations, less laws, lower taxes, more flexibility in labour things, high energy prices etc.
Over all - I am not convinced, that actual prices in Dax will represent the real situation.
A correction for about 10-20 Percent ist more expected, than a further rise for about 10 Percent.

Dan, 14.12.24
액티브 트레이드


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