If you have recently bought D&O but sold during Aug'21, please complete read this ideas.
To those who is just enter market, if you think it is so easy to earn in market, then you are wrong!
*Portfolio Growth need to see total portfolio Growth, not just one or two counters.
*Portfolio Growth need to see yearly total portfolio Growth, not just one or two weeks.
Rather than everyday buy & sell, why not select the good FA stock & entry technically using 2K Basic Pointers?
Share price to rise, need time.
Share price to rise, need good QR.
Share price to rise, need future earning growth story.
Investor need to earn, need a trading plan.
Investor need to earn, need patient to hold.
Chart shows from June21 that we start to hold, Point A to Point B (high point) and drop to Point C (low point)
How do you judge?
Investors or traders mindset will decide whether you can hold until Today (Now) or exit at Point C